- Gun control
- Universal healthcare
- We speak English
we’ve got free healthcare and free universities =) (I’m from Brazil)
This seems like a pretty obvious one: We have democracy.
I come from a third world country that is worse than the US in a lot of ways, but I don’t have to worry about getting shot by a rando with a gun.
It doesn’t have a traitor as a president
Just off the top of my head:
State-sponsored higher education that is later paid back through taxes. Free healthcare, also paid for by taxes, and affordable medicine. Decent mass transit, although railways are a disgrace. Labour laws. Paid sick leave and mandatory minimum vacation days. Paid maternity leave, and tax breaks for new mothers.
PM is a Russian asset, but still better than Trump.
We have the four freedoms that guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people as part of the European single market.
You realize that between the states the US has all of those?
You’re still one country. Having states/provinces isn’t even a unique thing to the US
Assuming you’re from Canada based on the .CA and says provinces (vs oblasts, cantons, or some other regional division), I would point at the interprovincial trade barriers.