• theangryseal@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    As a child I loaded an air rifle with pixie stix and shot my shirtless friend in the chest with it.

    In my mind, it was going to be like some three stooges cloud of flour that would turn his face pink kind of like this. (Best I could find)

    What happened instead was his entire chest was pouring blood and filled with burning pixie stix powder. I’m so glad I didn’t shoot him in the face. See, I was aiming for my brother who was the same height as me at the time and my buddy happened to be the one who came through the door.

    He was a damn good friend too. The adults weren’t brought in on the matter. We cleaned the wounds with peroxide and waited years to tell anyone haha.

    God I miss being a kid. I miss my old friends.