Please be careful with your investments. Respectfully, you seem to be mistaking the idea that markets like these reflect reality. The market and reality can remain out of alignment as long as all the major players are willing to keep pretending. This is the nature of a bubble, for instance, and no one can predict when it will pop (except those who can cause it to…).
Trump is VERY likely: aware of the market swings he’s causing, doing it on purpose, and taking advantage of predictable moves with friends. He very well may issue statements next week that cause it to shoot back up.
You’re a consumer of investments, meaning a mark, rube, or bag holder for the people who actually exert influence over these things. You should almost certainly leave your money alone and not make moves that play directly into the hands of the folks who want you to sell low and buy high.
Edit: typo
I’ve got a similar portfolio to yours and every time I’ve made changes based on what look to me like inevitable events / movements, I’ve regretted it. As maddening as it can be, I just leave it alone now and slowly balance toward (traditionally) safer investments (AKA not stocks or even indexes of them) as I get older. Cheers and good luck, I understand the frustration!!