Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.
Ah, right… The only government-funded thing I was first aware of as a child was Amtrak. So I kinda have that expectation.
So much for turning that big faucet on.
NASA just had to hand things over to SpaceX and Boeing.
Oh, I didn’t realize this was posted earlier. Thumbnail gave the wrong impression.
Wait a minute… The person I cross-posted and Donald J Musk both look and behave similarly: cross-posting, spamming the conservative communities, and their avatars/banners have a familiar, yet uncanny style.
There’s this regular troll on a comment section of a political news site I go to. They tried to dismiss my concerns about RFK by pointing out the few rational arguments he made in the past, mainly about fast food. That should give you a hint to the game their trying to play.
I’m not dismissing the urgency. Republicans want their shit to go under the radar.
He just keeps digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole.
DOGE is a both a threat and distraction.
A month ago, we were all scratching our heads over WTF is going on and is it a bot or not. The fact that they’re not defending themselves and jumping instances to avoid bans suggests a bot. This needs to be made public.
Forgive my language but “golden age” my ass.
Putting the burden onto the voters was the dumbest thing, but it is also what the GOP wanted.
If we don’t expose whatever this is, they’re just going to keep on doing it.
Actually, I got messages from them a few times before they became a meme. That account was on the instance before getting banned.
Sigh, this party sometimes.
Bit of a catch-22 when you’re a public official. It would make sense for them to just use cross-posting client to cover their bases, but I doubt they know that.
Can’t unsee that now.