That’s the real problem… Human social norms can’t be codified. We can’t do it in legalese, we can’t do it in code, but we can do it naturally
It’s why I find anarchy appealing - if your being a dick head, you should have everyone turn their backs on you. If you’re hoarding resources, you should be made to watch as they pin you down and take it. If you’re sociopath who abuses power, you should fall to torches and pitchforks
We know what justice is in a way we can’t put into words. You know it when you see it, when you feel it… It just doesn’t translate into words exactly
Well I mean I can respect that desire, but compromising on our ideals isn’t the way there. Look at healthcare - Obama care was a compromise, and then from there we compromised further, crippling the good parts and leaving in the concessions
Where is our free healthcare?
If we had gone single payer or Medicare for all, people would’ve seen the savings directly. Because it is cheaper, cheaper for individuals and the government too.
That’s the thing - the people overwhelmingly want what we’re selling, they’ve just been convinced it wouldn’t work. You think they’re going to shoot up a nightclub because their medical bills were forgiven? No, they’ll let go of the misplaced anger because their life is getting better and they feel less desperate
And as far as a peaceful transition - we need to organize on the left. Farmers, the elderly, the auto unions, veterans… All the top maga groups are being fucked too fast, too hard, and too directly to pull the wool back over their eyes.
People hate musk and Doge. There’s been attempts on his life, they’re vandalizing Tesla dealerships and vehicles all over, even republican representatives are starting to speak up about it
There’s a chance, when everything is crashing and burning, when the federal government is fully in ruin, where we can build something better peacefully. With the world uniting against our leadership and calling us a shit hole, there will be an opportunity
That or we just keep declining more slowly, with less safety and less opportunity…
But civil war? That can only happen if the military fractures in neat halves along the command structure. We’re too interconnected - if they stop stocking the grocery stores people aren’t going to care nearly as much about which team you’re on. There’s already schocastic violence, there would just be more.
And ultimately, it’s not the left vs the right, it’s the billionaires and their corporation against everyone else. Both sides know this, the independents know it, they just call them “the elites” on the right
So what we need isn’t compromise, it’s to be able to explain simple solutions that most everyone agrees with. And we need to sell it in a million flavors just like the right - we need to be able to win over racists and centrist and each other.
We need to do it by finding simple and concrete next steps we hold in common, not compromising