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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Well I mean I can respect that desire, but compromising on our ideals isn’t the way there. Look at healthcare - Obama care was a compromise, and then from there we compromised further, crippling the good parts and leaving in the concessions

    Where is our free healthcare?

    If we had gone single payer or Medicare for all, people would’ve seen the savings directly. Because it is cheaper, cheaper for individuals and the government too.

    That’s the thing - the people overwhelmingly want what we’re selling, they’ve just been convinced it wouldn’t work. You think they’re going to shoot up a nightclub because their medical bills were forgiven? No, they’ll let go of the misplaced anger because their life is getting better and they feel less desperate

    And as far as a peaceful transition - we need to organize on the left. Farmers, the elderly, the auto unions, veterans… All the top maga groups are being fucked too fast, too hard, and too directly to pull the wool back over their eyes.

    People hate musk and Doge. There’s been attempts on his life, they’re vandalizing Tesla dealerships and vehicles all over, even republican representatives are starting to speak up about it

    There’s a chance, when everything is crashing and burning, when the federal government is fully in ruin, where we can build something better peacefully. With the world uniting against our leadership and calling us a shit hole, there will be an opportunity

    That or we just keep declining more slowly, with less safety and less opportunity…

    But civil war? That can only happen if the military fractures in neat halves along the command structure. We’re too interconnected - if they stop stocking the grocery stores people aren’t going to care nearly as much about which team you’re on. There’s already schocastic violence, there would just be more.

    And ultimately, it’s not the left vs the right, it’s the billionaires and their corporation against everyone else. Both sides know this, the independents know it, they just call them “the elites” on the right

    So what we need isn’t compromise, it’s to be able to explain simple solutions that most everyone agrees with. And we need to sell it in a million flavors just like the right - we need to be able to win over racists and centrist and each other.

    We need to do it by finding simple and concrete next steps we hold in common, not compromising

  • That’s the real problem… Human social norms can’t be codified. We can’t do it in legalese, we can’t do it in code, but we can do it naturally

    It’s why I find anarchy appealing - if your being a dick head, you should have everyone turn their backs on you. If you’re hoarding resources, you should be made to watch as they pin you down and take it. If you’re sociopath who abuses power, you should fall to torches and pitchforks

    We know what justice is in a way we can’t put into words. You know it when you see it, when you feel it… It just doesn’t translate into words exactly

  • I mean, the 90s are what got us here…

    You can’t try to meet the opposition halfway, especially not when they’re ideologically opposed to your goals. Especially when they’re dishonest. Especially when they stretch and exploit the rules to get their way.

    Even if their strategy wasn’t to rig the system and manipulate the game, they are oppositional on near everything.

    It just ends up in you starting the negotiation halfway, before they compromise 75% in their favor, and they might squeeze another bit here and there

    The 90s were not a good time politically - it was a civil time. It was also constant pull to the right, we dismantled our social safety nets, we let worker protections get whittled down, we let corporations grow too powerful to reign in. We even removed banking regulations that allowes the 2008 recession, and it all culminated in citizens united.

    Our problems now are because of that attitude… Congress used to occasionally erupt into fist fights, and it was better for it. You need the push and pull, or you get the uni party the GOP and Democratic party became - two faces squabbling over social issues as they cooperated to sell out the people

  • That’s the kind of middle ground with fascism the Democratic party is engaging in…

    You can make compromises, you can find a middle ground. But that ground has to be stable, it can’t be compromised from the get go - that’s how you get Obamacare, a payout to insurance companies that has a few positives baked in

    If it’s compromised from the start, you haven’t done anything positive - you’ve just opened the floor to bastardize it further

  • But there’s the root problem - why are you capping the speed at all? Why are you making inferior products?

    To leave room for others to make money. That is the taint in the idea… Why do they need to make money if they can’t provide a better service than what the government can do at cost? Or lower even, for the essentials

    It’s looking at it backwards. People don’t need to make money - money is the sign that you’re providing value to society. If you can’t beat out the government, which is presumably focused on the things everyone needs, why does someone deserve money for it?

    It’s ok if the government becomes the largest food distributor, hopefully that means everyone eats. It’s ok if telcos go out of business, so long as people pay less to get online

    Companies should be able to challenge the government, but that doesn’t mean they should be given special privilege - making money is a sign you’re doing something valuable. If you’re carving out room for people to make money you’re doing it wrong

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldApt
    2 days ago

    They actively oppose change as the planet burns and survival becomes unaffordable

    They’re supposed to be a counterbalance, instead people have been screaming for change so long that they’re being taken in by fascist lies

    They’ve become the party of one step forward two steps back (before the other side gets their turn and full on sprints to gain more ground)

    They are a right wing party, and they’ve decided their latest strategy is to move even further right and give up more ground to capture voters who hate them, and to actively block change that the people are demanding. They see the left as their greatest enemy, they tell their supporters stop bothering them, and even now they want to work with the fascists

    Universal healthcare and doing something about housing. Worker protections and standing up to big business. Obstruct Trump and everything he and Elon are doing.

    These things have a ton of support across the political “spectrum”, but are apparently totally off the table

    The Democratic party is opposed to all meaningful change… They lost this election because they offer no hope, milquetoast solutions, and they don’t fight back.

    Pressuring the voters stopped being a valid point after election day - fascists are in office and their answer is to say “we’ll get them next time, stop bugging us”

  • I mean, the poison is already in your pitch - “private sector gets the high end”. What happens when the government fiber turns out to be faster? What happens when the government cheese is actually better? What happens when the government clothes turn out to be higher quality than the shit we wear today?

    What is Verizon going to do? Cry to Congress that they need to go out of their way and pay more to artificially slow down gov fiber. Kellogg will cry free healthy food is ruining demand for overprocessed corn syrup products. If they don’t kill it in the cradle they’re all going to chip away at it, one bit at a time

    How about the government produces the basics and the infrastructure, and corporations get fucked? Let small local business take over, and use the infrastructure at cost. Let competition thrive, and we use antitrust like the pro-active protection against oligarchy it was meant to be

  • You mean there’s no evidence it was more rigged than usual… There’s evidence of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and sketchiness without real evidence

    But ultimately, I think they’re talking about the Democrats - even now they’re talking about moving further right and working with Republicans, they actively oppose the change the people are demanding. They want to fight harder against the left, to ignore their supporters more, to get more in bed with the oligarchs

    What about free healthcare? What about fixing housing? What about breaking up monopolies? What about our rights? It’s like everything that matters is totally off the table

  • Because he didn’t come here to sign it, he came to force Trump make his position clear to the world. He stayed calm, he thanked Trump plenty, he didn’t rise to the insults… He even printed out big pictures to hand to trump one at a time, they way he likes

    He kissed the ring so he could make Ukraine’s position clear - they don’t trust Russia’s word, they have no doubt Russia will break any deal made without security guarantees, with good reason. They offered the trump white house investment opportunities to see if that would realign the US with Ukraine, but even if we were to cripple our future with the numbers Trump responded with, he’ll still give Russia everything Putin wants

    He was the only adult in that room, and he wanted the world to see it. He made the US position clear (Trump’s position at least) - this isn’t a negotiation tactic or an an effort to get concessions, Trump supports Putin over America’s allies

    And it worked. The EU immediately met when he returned, they announced deals for like 1.5 trillion over the next couple years to set up their own military production, and they’re preparing troops to mobilize

  • No… Well maybe, but they have something far more important to be doing - they should sue

    Know what the goal of nonviolent resitance is? To get arrested, so you can get standing to sue. You can then challenge the law, over and over, until you find cracks. You can make them put affidavits on record.

    And more importantly, you can drain resources. Tie up the courts, drain the budget, exhaust their lawyers. Make them deal with the work of going through endless depositions

    All that other stuff is great… But this is a major avenue of attack, and they’ve got no idea what they’re in for

    We like to forget, but civil rights weren’t a popular idea - the public being upset at the scale of disruption was what forced the white house to act back then. It might take a while, they might try to ignore the courts, but the bill will come due eventually