Everyone only needs to pay one day of rent!
One day of car payment.
uhhhh… does that mean that they either have or are close to a warhead?
Fuck it, no more Mr. Mrs. Miss or Ms.
Everyone is M.
M. McBride
M. Self
What a asshole. Not just for misgendering her but for throwing a tantrum when confronted.
Graphene and Calyx are two different paths to two different destinations. Graphene is for security, Calyx is for privacy.
Biden famously still has his 1967 Corvette which he received from his father as a wedding gift. It is immaculate.
Biden may not be a gearhead but he is a proud owner/driver of one hell of a car. He kept it perfect.
edit: looking at the picture again, is that paint damage on the running board? I wonder if it had sidepipes at one point. I’m sure if it is damage and not a reflection it’s been repaired by now, he loves that car.
I like that idea, I’ll have to search how to do that.
Huh, weird. DE? I’ve used it to filter beer at a small brewery and I use it as a natural insecticide.
Nice, recycling. I like the structured feeling of the floor mat towel but have definitely used yesterday’s towel when necessary.
SMS, calls, and doorbell
The US is definitely going to have a recession, I just hope it’s not going to be s full on depression.
Please try to become as self sufficient as possible. I already have laying hens and a salsa garden, I’m going to try for dry beans this year.
lol, sign up for updates? Doomed, fucking doomed
Not many want to fight for the autocracy either. Bunch of slack-ass soldiers. Fight for freedom? You’ll get people volunteering.
lol, no such thing as a “false leak”
Something tells me that’s the next “fake news” catchphrase
6,828,820 is 2% of the population listed on census.gov right now.
So I shouldn’t do it at home but I should read a book. GTFO
No one. Perhaps I was too subtle. These granola eaters think people are but there’s no hexane left once the oil is packaged
HF is making condoms now?