Dog: taking my favorite thing from me is not helping
Dog: taking my favorite thing from me is not helping
120 hours
Commander Shephard?
The muppet grade gloves with various numbers of fingers got me :)
Hmmm, I’ve heard some people use watchtower too.
The lines between mobile device and server get blurred even more.
My mom called me a few years ago, after she clicked the big red warning message in a pop up. After the nice tech support man got on her phone. After she let him install “some program”. Then she thought, maybe she should check with Perish. Yikes.
It’s a time honored tradition.
Even the trucks are protesting now.
No but really, what did he do to upset johnny law?
Did you check to be sure that DuckDNS knows your current home external IP address?
I’m sorry but what possible positive can you find in Proton doing that?
In what universe does his kissing the feet of that dicator equate to us keeping our lives private?
Whatever is up ahead, you’re not gonna like it.