We’re never going to recover. He’s speed running the fall of a nation.
We’re never going to recover. He’s speed running the fall of a nation.
In other words, government shutdown is a near guarantee.
I read in another article that the identified 28 backdoor commands.
Just for the record, I do agree with you that these should have been codified by Congress.
Somehow I don’t think that would have mattered with these traitors.
Hah! I wanted to learn more so I started searching the Internet for this blog and couldn’t find it, only to realize a couple minutes in, that he’s a fictional character! 😳
e: typo
It’s an addiction, like being addicted to heroin. We should have done an intervention long ago, but the addicts are running the show. And capitalism seems to favor and promote the addicts so we have a feedback loop that I fear cannot be stopped.
If money were no object, I’d book a permanent vacation to New Zealand. But a vacation into the Sun has a certain appeal too.
e: love your username btw
I came to the same conclusion.
I literally just uninstalled both rif and rif premium 1 minute ago. Their last update was June 2023. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
This. I’m convinced at this point they’re attempting to instigate riots so they can declare material law and seize full control over the US government.
You’ve perfectly articulated my thoughts as well.
I love our DE mat. We had an issue with one of our cats peeing on the cotton mats while they were damp, which is why we switched, but i personally find it oddly luxurious. Clearly not soft and cushy tho.