Half an hour is “we just broke our SLA” level bad. I guess if your org has been stripped of all its talent that’s the new standard.
Half an hour is “we just broke our SLA” level bad. I guess if your org has been stripped of all its talent that’s the new standard.
Oh my god. What if Skynet was never an accident of AI evolving outside its intended parameters? What if it was a hilariously obvious and preventable apocalypse caused by a tech bro tweeting in the middle of the night while on ketamine?
Thanks for that summary. I think the big gap in my understanding is that the PM doesn’t even have to be an elected official. They essentially always are, but not having that codified is a surprise.
In my nightmare scenario, the cons eke out a majority, toss Pierre, and name Elon Musk as PM is Canada.
Is this reporting true?
After maintaining frontrunner status throughout the two-month race, the former Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor will become this country’s next, and 24th prime minister within days.
How does an unelected banker walk into becoming Prime Minister? Doesn’t he need to be elected by Canadians first?
If true, that seems like a horrendous hole in the system.
They want riots so they have a reason to put troops on the streets and “come down hard” to please their base.
It looks like Shrek infiltrating the cybermen.