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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • I’ve read somewhere that going into your first relationship can be considered an important first act of self-determination (i.e. you choose your actions yourself). As such, it is important to teach people to take responsibility for their own actions, and to demonstrate that they even can take action in the first place.

    Nowadays, of course, things are more complicated. If you’re a man, you better not make the first step or risk being looked at as a “creep” - regardless of how true your feelings may be. If you’re a girl, and flirting, idk? There’s few precedents in media, girls aren’t taught to take the initiative. So, everybody’s waiting on the other one to make the first move.

    Then there’s a whole lot of economic considerations. Having children is expensive, and evolutionarily, it makes sense to not date/have sex/have children when you’re already in a bad spot economically (e.g. low food supplies). So, lots of today’s people still have that (subconscious) idea that dating is wrong because the economy is fucked. Well, the economy is fucked and people should have fewer children (considering economic analysis) but that doesn’t mean that people should date less. In fact, flirting/dating is an important element of social coherence and can improve “knowing-your-neighbour” - which can drastically help society forming groups/unions of people to “fight back” against the oligarchy elite. Unfortunately, the people are too busy infighting (consider the “man vs bear” debate and the “toxic masculinity” gender struggles).

    In other words, flirting/dating is decoupled from having children in today’s society (queer relationships, contraceptives, abortions) and dating has an important cultural elements. It probably helps against loneliness, depression, and the isolation of the individual in the society. It facilitates cultural exchange and creates group/societal consciousness. All in all, it has positive “health” effects on society. It’s no wonder that (billionaire-owned) “fashion magazines” and other propaganda news tries to split society apart by making men seem like all-assholes and sowing distrust among the people. Divide and Conquer, as the romans called it: First you divide your enemy into smaller pieces, then you digest them one-by-one. Class warfare has been disguised as an “women’s rights movement” by enraging women against men, and it has worked too well for me to believe it, if i hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. The people have been tricked and fooled into fighting one another, instead of looking up and fighting the rich. It’s a “don’t look up; kick sidewards” scheme. And it’s destroying society. Young people grow up to be full of anxiety, barely able to speak to one another, and it’s not smartphone’s fault, it’s because they have been taught that normal human interactions are a crime, and that you better not do something stupid. I’d be surprised if today’s youth will be anything but a nervous wreck in 20 years, if things continue as they are. Instead of focusing on reality and tackling the real problems, we’re killing our instincts like insects. Probably the insects are indeed a good metaphor for our sexuality: Not only are we looking at them like a plague, we’re also taking very effective action to eliminate them altogether from society. I also have more to say, but spare me the hassle. It’s already a lot that i’ve said, though not enough. I’m thoroughly angry.

  • No definitely not.

    A long time ago, in the medieval ages, they had some concept called a “just war”.

    It meant a situation where you had to fight someone, but had to do so in a “right way”. For example, consider a duel: You have to talk to your opponent first, introduce yourself, state the reason why you’re having qualms with them, give them an option to find non-violent ways to resolve the conflict, and only if that fails, you start the physical fighting. After the opponent is defeated (for example by giving up), fighting had to stop and the matter had to be considered settled. it was not acceptable to blindside an opponent, play dirty, like attacking them from behind. and stuff like that.

    something similar applied to larger battles as well, btw.

    • dollar devalues by 90% compared to present value
    • wages so low / cost of living so high that people can’t pay for bread with their wages, making subsidies / universal basic income a necessity.
    • US goes on the brink of a civil war before the rich agree to pay for said subsidies, probably some people die because of it.
    • US slides into a mixture of tech-authoritarianism/fascism
    • martian settlement/research makes surprisingly fast progress, with wide bi-partisan support because people realize it’s actually a good idea for everyone, creating demand for human labor and driving up the wages.

  • At first i didn’t believe it when my coworker told me “lots of businesses have a natural lifetime of 20 years. After that, they enshittify.” I thought he was making it up.

    Now, however, i believe it. Seeing how Google has started massively enshittifying its products around 2020, roughly 20 years after its inception, after providing good service for sth like 20 years (think 2012 Youtube), and Musk starting to be a rampant asshole, after having put out tweets such as this one:

    as recently as in 2018.