What a filthy thing to call these lovely, flammable tourists! They are all about peace and love and occasionally bursting into flames near car batteries.
What a filthy thing to call these lovely, flammable tourists! They are all about peace and love and occasionally bursting into flames near car batteries.
Wonder if this will push the wishy washy people who own Teslas but whine about having to get rid of them. Going to assume anyone still owning one is a Nazi or supports Nazis because they haven’t come for them yet.
It’s because he can just make more kids, but distrust in vaccines must remain firm! Wonder if they’ll use the dead daughter’s name again, that’s what my mom’s family did when infants died of scarlet fever and diphtheria back in the day.
It’s actually worse because measles infection wipes out your immunity for other infections. Not to mention that even if you don’t die, 40% of people with measles infections end up needing hospitalization.
Wrong chromosomes
Ughhhh just get in the rocket, rocket boy!!!
Congrats, Al. You not only annoyed the cultists and white supremacists, but you helped suss out the Democrats who support the cultists and might also be white supremacists.
Presumably all white supremacists or Nazi fans? That’s the only reason I can think to vote for this if you’re not a Trump minion. I’m just going to assume they are Nazis and act accordingly.
Tell me they investigate Title IX and sexual harassment/assault complaints this seriously. Or no? https://academic-sexual-misconduct-database.org/institution/columbia-university Rapists have been allowed to keep their jobs, including a vagina-licking obgyn that was allowed back to clinic after being arrested for licking a patient during an exam, then assaulted 8 more patients in 5 weeks for a total of over 245 victims across 20 years. I think my “favorite” is the professor who was fired, but now works at Yale University. Real elite system you got going there, for some people.
Hahaha, you think a gay dude’s getting one of Trump’s golden tickets for US citizenship? I mean come on, has he even raped any women? Remember, trans ones don’t count!
I am not a regular person I guess.