Legit fuck meta I hope somebody Mario parites with zuck
Legit fuck meta I hope somebody Mario parites with zuck
Lmao I find it hard to believe you work in tech based on your comments on ai. Now i see we’re just playing the pretend game where you can take one example and pretend it’s my whole point. Fucking good riddance homie I’m not trying to argue in bad faith with someone who clearly has no clue what they’re talking about
Everyone here mentioning billionaires and missing the point that the Russian agent in charge is just doing his best to deliver any and all assets to Russia. Sanctions getting lifted just as the fire sale on American assets begins right before the civil unrest. If you’re a Russian dictator you could not have planned it better. Republicans are seriously the dumbest mother/sister fuckers on the planet. I can’t even believe how fucking stupid you’d have to be to hold “conservative views”. Like it does not compute how you can be that dumb
Then you update the maximum age because the younger people can be convinced something’s changed instead of emailing Tim Cook about being locked out of their Facebook. This is a non argument using the slippery slope fallacy in place of facts
Sure but let’s talk about realistic solutions though. Ideally all public servants would have to pass a civic test as well as a physical and mental acuity tests. That would eliminate people like mtg and trump from ever holding office (because ya know you gotta be at least literate to pass a test). However there is no precedent for what you’re proposing. It would require agreement on testing requirements, some independent agency to do said testing, a protocol for updating test content and most importantly trusting that the legislators will trust scientists and educators on what these tests should be. Current government would never do any of those things and at least there is a precedent for age limits. Yes in a perfect world it would be some form of test but in the real world we gotta look for solutions that might actually happen. Top end age restrictions have a precedent and would drastically improve the state of our governing body.
Note: yes I understand that a 40-some year old mtg is magnitudes worse than even Bernie’s corpse at governing, that’s undeniable.
I hate that’d you’re downvoted and no response because this is the right take. We have age limits already but old people don’t want those to apply to them because … no reason they just want to continue holding power
Sure but age limits are in place in a million different institutions. If it’s not ageism that you can’t run for office when you’re 16 then it’s not ageism when you have an age limit for representatives. My point is representatives should represent the general population and should be able to at least understand the issues of the current age. Meanwhile the aging congress struggles with basic internet understanding so we don’t have regulations that should have been standard since the fucking 90s. It’s 2025 a person who can’t comprehend internet basics like email encryption has 0 chance of making an informed choice on crypto currency or government backdoors and their implications.
If they engaged with their voters, we wouldn’t have any democratic representatives over age of 65. Anything past that is just posturing and self enrichment
Edit: wow I left a generally agreeable comment and fucked off for the day and apparently a lot of people want representatives older than 65? Yet no one can say why that’s a good thing they only bring up Bernie who’s an independent and not a democrat. Some of you don’t know what you want other than to shit on people online and it’s laughable
Trump is “extremely” many things, smart is not one of them. I refuse to believe that that bloated corpse of a human is making his own decisions about anything any time in last 10 years.
The only reason the redcaps nod their head in response to information is to make sure the air doesn’t escape through the ears
Classic capitalist gotcha. Turns out that prioritizing shareholders (a 3rd party leech entity unrelated to the operations or customers) is always going to lead to censorship. Like the generic “shareholder” needs stable status quo to figure out how to exploit the poors in most efficient way and violent revolt doesn’t guarantee a higher than inflation result. Modern capitalism in America is straight up a mental disorder similar to hoarding. You don’t need the money nor the stock but you’re willing to fuck over literally thousands of people for a minor gain. It should be studied … but studying this doesn’t help the bottom line so fuck any progress it’s death and destruction for %% daily return. Fuck all this
We gotta stop calling it a presidency. It’s an authoritarian oligarchy not a presidency. Let’s get terminology right so the minority of literate maga retards keep reading it until their 1 brain cell clicks and understands the long words.
It’s not an IT fix for HR problem. It’s literally just a best practice in IT security and has absolutely nothing to do with people. It’s a priciple of least required access. It’s not just for website filters, it applies to all aspects of security. In this case, it’s to prevent fishy websites being visited by accident - for example your finger slips and you misspell a company website address and all of a sudden it redirects you to a phishing version of Microsoft SSO login portal you always use to sign in to work. You didn’t notice it and you input credentials compromising your system.
These websites are rampant, constantly finding new ways to social engineer ways for people to accidentally visit them and can’t be added to a filter as fast as they pop up. That’s why you block by default. It’s a lot easier to make a list of websites required for your work than to exclude every potentially harmful website that’s getting generated magnitudes faster than any internal company portal.
This is a very simple example of applying the “least privilege” security principle. It’s akin to you not leaving your front door open and unlocked just in case one of your friends drops by, but instead giving the friend a set of keys and locking your door.
I should note that I don’t think that’s what musk is doing to our government but since you seemed to have misunderstood what the security principle is actually meant for I wanted to add some context.
I find it so hard to have good messaging on this topic because we first have to convince half this country that helping others is a virtue not a weakness. How do we convince a deeply selfish population that helping neighbors and keeping our nation healthy and educated are not “communist plots to make everyone poor” but just basics of a successful society. I can argue politics all day but once someone thinks empathy is a weakness or a sin, I just don’t know what to say anymore. We need a fundamental societal shift and that has to start locally I think.
Restricting websites and whitelisting the ones you’re supposed to have access to is literally like one of the fundamental rules of it security. What are you talking about?
I don’t think this particular case was about security but pretending that block-by-default is not a good security practice is dishonest.
That’s part of why trump got elected lol. Rather than trying to fix the issues while retaining some level of government, some people were like “let’s have a brutal authoritarian dictatorship and change things for the worse. That will show democrats!” Meanwhile nobody votes in the primaries or their local elections
In fantasy land you can open a competing restaurant. Back here on earth not only is that not an option for 99% of the population, most people are stuck with the couple choices they have in town and when tech comes in and forces the enshitificstion of services in order to pump stock price you’re stuck just eating this shit forever. That’s the problem. You seem to believe in “the invisible hand of the free market” when that simply doesn’t exist. Consumers aren’t rational. Investors aren’t rational. And the market is anything but free. Big tech is working really hard to make sure they have a stranglehold on every industry to make it worse and trap people into using their platforms.
Let’s hope someone can Mario part trump and every single republican representative. It’s honestly the only way forward. Preferably all in one day so the retarded followers can’t get their propaganda consumption to spew idiot messaging. Thank god they’re too fucking stupid to join lemmy cause we’d have to clean up in here.