I make sure the important stuff is backed up to external drive on the computers I tech support for family and friends.
So I say, “yeah, it says that, but they are lying. unplug it. If it’s not working when it comes back on, I’ll come over and restore it. You won’t lose anything, we’ve got backups just for this reason.”
So far, I haven’t had to go and restore anything. But one of them buys me lunch, so I go and shoot the shit and have a good time for big Windows updates about once a quarter.
OMG - that’s the same printer we have… it’s the only one that still works!!
Some of the plastic pieces have gotten brittle and broken - I’ve been trying to figure out how to 3-D print replacements. (they broke before 3D printing was a thing and I don’t have the broken bits anymore)
I’ve replaced the rollers once and serviced it myself over the years.
It’s valuable enough to fight over it when my Last Will and Testament is read… If there’s a fire, save the people, save the cats, save that 1998 printer - the rest can burn and be replaced.