Still no idea why it happened, but it was a nice little bonus when I sold off all my positions before he came to power.
Still no idea why it happened, but it was a nice little bonus when I sold off all my positions before he came to power.
The 2005 Elektra movie. It nearly killed Jennifer Garner’s career! There’s so much of that movie where I just have to wonder “What the fuck were they thinking?”
This father decided that his skydaddy was more important than his living child. I’ve very little sympathy for child murderers, even if this sounds like a big issue was the lack of good hospital care in Texas…which this parent likely voted for.
It’s a real pain in the ass for the best source of news about the games I play to either be reddit or Discord, so my options are shit or shit. Sometimes developers post clarifications on game mechanics on the subreddit, and that’s the only source of that information. I wish more companies could understand the benefits of instance ownership, especially considering all of the ongoing issues with social media owners. It’d be great if that kinda news would migrate somewhere better so I could finally ditch reddit permanently, but I’m sure I’ll just eat a ban eventually.
Wow, that is incredible. I can’t believe they captured him. He could actually stand trial for his horrible crimes, and his victims could finally have justice. The first of hopefully many crazy authoritarian nuts getting what they deserve.
So, how much longer until we have to start drinking soycaf?
No, I think they’re going to stop existing in 5-10 years.
Holy shit this could really work. If anyone can keep the cult of Trump alive, it’s another Trump. Think of the hero worship of Kim Il Sung in North Korea. MAGA wants to deify Trump in just the same manner. Trump will become the great “God Emperor of America” who will fight to keep the Democrats out of heaven or w/e, and Trump Jr will act as Kim Jong Il and take over ruling.
It really depends on how quickly the old sack of shit actually dies. It’s meant to be the most stressful job in the world, and he’s back to unlimited mcdonalds. If it happens quickly, maybe the whole house of cards just collapses.
Oh nonsense. You have no idea how far down this hole goes. Things are just going to keep getting worse at an increasingly fast pace.
Good, hope they strip it to the bone. Ever since they started locking up anything and everything in their store, I’ve tried to use them less and less. They’re one of the biggest proponents on the side of the insane narrative that shoplifting is destroying American businesses, even though last I checked they were happy to engage in massive amounts of wage theft.
I suspect he’s playing it up for the camera in order to differentiate himself from American conservatives now that they’ve begun turning on Canada. It’s something I imagine we’ll see out of Poilievre as well, because otherwise they’ll quickly become unelectable.
Just remember that they were chums all up until this point, and that’s still damning. Ford supported American conservatives all the way until the leopards turned to eat his face. Yeah, it’s cool that he’s going above and beyond to fight back now, but he still wants Ontario to act like Texas.
I’m certain he’s doing it for the wrong reasons, but it’s nice to see the angry raging conservative attacking a genuine asshole for once.
It really doesn’t seem that hard to just constantly disprove the lies they’re telling, over and over, until eventually the people who are still sane in this country understand what a non-issue the conservatives are freaking out over. I feel the same way about their “migrant crime” myth, which Democrats also immediately capitulated to and started campaigning on fixing despite crime statistics clearly demonstrating migrants do not commit crimes at a higher rate than the general populace.
It’s almost like standing up for their beliefs was never the goal, and they’ll just say whatever makes their corporate donors happy.
Tbf, I sincerely hope a lot of you understand the basic concept of a gearbox. Depending on how far back you go, a water wheel might be a pretty massive leap forward, and it might at least inspire other, smarter people of the time to work on theories of energy, and eventually electricity.
You’re never going to get a satisfying answer to this question, because there is no actual reason. If you want, you can go peek in on the conservative subreddits and watch their gold-medal winning mental gymnastics, but the reason Trump is doing this is Putin told him to. The U.S. is destroying themselves for no gain.
It someone creates a program for Windows, that program will likely still work 10 years from now
I was with you all the way until here. This statement is absolutely laughable to anyone who has messed around with older videogames. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, running it in compatibility mode with the version of Windows the game was made for will work, but oftentimes you’re reliant on fan patches or long installation guides showing you the exact configuration of settings necessary to stop the game from constantly crashing. At that point, getting the older game to run on Windows is just as tedious as getting it to run on Linux, potentially less.
You still are getting more of a guarantee from Microsoft, because Windows versions have typically had long lifecycles and were pretty averse to risky-changes within an OS release, but even that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore with Windows 11.
So does this mean Barron is going to kill his brothers to ascend the throne?
I mean, we can only hope…
No, the German equivalent would be if you divided Germans on whether they have light skin or dark skin. Are your Middle-Eastern immigrants not German? Your Romani? If they’re citizens of your country now, they are your countrymen, fullstop.
I feel like you’re very close to understanding America in your last paragraph though. For us, nearly every American is from a migrant group that brought a different culture from a different country. There’s only like 1% of the continent’s native population left. A Black American’s experiences are fundamentally different to a White American, or a Latino American, or an Eastern European American, because they all grew up with a different culture to one another. There is no real “baseline” American culture, as much as some angry White Americans would have you believe.