I’ll keep an eye on it, but i seriously doubt they would lower the price.
Corpos don’t know how to lower prices anymore
I’ll keep an eye on it, but i seriously doubt they would lower the price.
Corpos don’t know how to lower prices anymore
I remember when the DNC said that in 2015, and we know what happened in 2015
Maybe we should try unifying under non neolib leadership?
The knee bending to Isreal, and Zionists’ obsession with racial purity is what makes so many conspiracy theorists buy into the “jewish cabal” conspiracy
Car Insurance
In a just world every oil executive would get a bullet in the head
There were a lot of people that knew this crash was going to happen.
Pretending like there’s no way to know anything about the market and then dumping your hard earned money into it is such an insane Nhilist take.
As long as enough people stay invested in the market to guarentee infinite growth forever…
Well we might be seeing the end of stocks as an investment platform so if you have money to invest maybe just save it for now.
So Musk gets put in a cell when he refuses to comply with this?
SASS has pushed the work their app developers should be doing onto the development teams of web browsers.
That’s how we know it was never about auditing or waste.
We have generals from the military asking for less equipment , and then congress ignores them and rubber stamps the contracts of their doners in the Military Industrial Complex.
If we want to go after real waste in our spending we need to start forcing the rich to make concessions. This becomes more true every year we allow wealth inequality to continue growing.
The problem when you keep moving the bar like that is that you will find yourself supporting stupid gimmicks instead of practical technology.
Humanity globally shifts to an economic system of guarantees instead of our current extortional approach as we aknowledge we are already in a post scarcity world and work to fix distribution chains of human needs.
Either that or the corporate elites start a literal apocalypse so they don’t have to work a fucking job like the rest of us.
People are already pretending ChatGPT is their girlfriend.
People are already treating LLMs like omnipotent beings.
Marketing teams can get idiots to beleive anything.
His cult memebers are the “real” Republicans, at least what’s left of them.
Anyone who doesn’t support fascism has stopped supporting the fascist party
Why was OP banned?
Great introduction to Lemmy, might as well teach people we’re no better than reddit
Fucking disgusting internet janitors
Real question, how can someone be conservative while still supporting progress? Doesn’t the entire ideology hinge on things never changing?
“There’s nothing we can do!”
-Democrats as they rubber stamp a fascist agenda