That may be true but we are still going down because people wanted deportations and cheap eggs. Thats the truth, we chose fascism so we could deport immigrants.
So what say you about how great this is ol boy?
Got a feeling that number 1 spot ain’t lasting much longer, bud. Look at who won. I’d say we’re plenty racist and stupid to let grifters pick our pockets when they promise to kick out all the brown people. Like I said, downvote me. It doesnt make it not true.
Just blatantly open about the Nazism. Pretty much everything that modern conservatism stands for came from the Third Reich. On an alternate note, kinda want that pink triangle tattoo’d. We can appropriate imagery too.
I can be downvoted to oblivion, doesnt make it not true. I didn’t say Germany was perfect. I said America wasn’t.
Shut the bitch down, they wanted that didnt they?
Maybe Mrs Self should think about how they can choose to identify themselves but are trying to restrict that right (and have, successfully) for a fellow American.
Americans are racist, and dumb. One plays into the other, and the politicians like it this way because its easy to manipulate.
The tyranny of small donors has left me scarred and deformed.
Isnt that just so much more efficient?
Selling fucking fish oil to cure Measles is not political opinion. Science doesnt give a fuck about your feelings. We have a solution for Measles, its fucken vaccines. Its not an opinion, its fact that they work. Their effectiveness is marked by the dumb cunts born after all the damage was repaired so they dont know what we used to deal with. Say hello to swill milk, measles, polio, and just truckloads of dead babies. Hell, you can even ask Samoa how he did over there! Here’s a hint: babies died.
Corruption on full display. Aren’t you tired, too?
Just sending them home before they close the entire agency
Then why you keep passin’ the hot mic to people talkin’ shit about trans athletes? Why amplify that voice on your government podcast? Thats literally Nazi shit. The Nazis made all this “traditional family” bullshit we are drowning in. So no, he shouldn’t be saying it and isolating the already vulnerable. Theres like 10 trans althetes in the fucken nation, leave them alone and fix the fucken markets.
That operation dreadnaught link with a fucken email address right there does not seem right to me. Thats not how anonymous has operated in the past. Dont email that if you end up there.
Its the same as its always been. There was always a small subset of the population interested and developing computer sciences. There was never this time where all the youngins knew computers like they did breathing. That was a fallacy.
Ironic considering how the book is about acceptance and how humanity can be found in unlikely places. The real question we should be asking is what happened to Dr Frankenstein? How was he prohibited from creating even more monsters to shun?
Going down the Project2025 playbook, its just a matter of time.