I heard about him from a Behind the Bastards podcast a few years back. I knew he was a dumpster fire and was really surprised/not surprised he got a position.
Surprised because he’s an idiot. Not surprised because it’s par for this administration.
I heard about him from a Behind the Bastards podcast a few years back. I knew he was a dumpster fire and was really surprised/not surprised he got a position.
Surprised because he’s an idiot. Not surprised because it’s par for this administration.
You wouldn’t need to do things yourself; you’d just tell your assistant what you need, and it would tap into the whole world of apps and information to do it for you.
Ah, the promise made by every futurist ever.
They’re always wrong. New inventions are used to unemploy people, insert themselves between you and what you want to extract money, or to try to sell you something.
More like
“Let’s see how people react”
I’d walk that back to the first trump campaign. That’s when assholes decided it was ok to come out of the closet and abandon all pretenses at having any objective reasoning behind it. The whole “snowflake”, “liberal tears”, and “fucking the country up is ok as long as it pisses off the libs” thing really got rolling.
Don’r forget, we had trump convoys harassing people, nazis at protests starting fights, laws made so that it is ok to run over protesters…. Yeah, the shitty behavior thing was in full swing prior to Covid.
It’d be better if you were an obscure and unimportant member of the Kennedy family and stayed that way.
No idea. Allegedly Carr sent the email, Rubio is the Acting Director. It’s posited that the destruction of records will make it difficult for USAID to function at all.
Who is giving him this shit?
Catch me on the street with whatever pharmacy of dugs Musk is taking and I’d probably be sitting in front of a judge pretty quickly. Just another example of the rich doing whatever the F they want with no consequences.
Pihole is great. Been running it for years. It’s almost set-it-and-forget it. There are other ad-blocking services, some free and some not, some with more features but those are usually non-free. Many don’t require the setup that a Raspberry Pi does.
Downsides to Pihole:
People who use your wifi will stay with their old habits of clicking one of the first search results which is usually “sponsored”, an ad, and it will be blocked. People get irritated and it takes them a while to come around.
Raspberry Pis tend to eat SD cards. It’s gotten a lot better and it doesn’t happen as often, but once you get the Pi set up correctly, make a backup mirror of the card so it’s easy to get a new one up and running should the card fail.
The best mobile manager (Pi-Hole Remote) just went non-free for a bunch of features.
It doesn’t block everything. A standard suite of browser plugins for ad- and tracking blockers should be used.
Sometimes a website or service won’t work correctly and you have to sort out whether it’s a browser ad blocker or pihole that’s causing the issue and whitelist the address.
The good stuff-
You can create a VPN on your home LAN, use DDNS, and connect when you’re out and about to get ad-blocking on your mobile. Particularly useful for iphones where they don’t let you have ad-blockers for your browsers.
Customizable blocklists, blacklists and whitelists. There are several user-made lists out there that are useful.
You can easily see what is “phoning home” on your LAN and block it if you want.
Easy to update, easy install on a RPi, and if you install a VNC you can update and manage remotely without Pi-Hole Remote.
It’s free.
He is an unelected dictator. By default, corporate heads are essentially dictators.
Just another drug-addicted Hitler.
Yay privatization. Gotta make billionaires richer! But wait, NASA was expensive?
Just take NASA money and give it to Musk!
Since records began, SpaceX has been promised nearly $20.7 billion in government contracts, research grants, and other forms of public assistance, with roughly $8.7 billion actually paid out so far.
Of that promised money, $14.6 billion came from contracts with NASA, covering everything from supply runs to the International Space Station to the design and testing of a new moon lander.
But we can’t just give one billionaire money, how about another?
Senate competitiveness bill includes $10B authorization for Bezos space company
How much was NASA’s budget last year?
The agency will get $24.875 billion, half a billion less than its FY2023 spending level of $25.384 billion and more than $2 billion less than President Biden’s request of $27.185 billion.
Space Billionaires are so much cheaper… /s
Where’s all the hate like NASA got when they exercised caution and couldn’t retrieve the astronauts?
And seen multiple people using it, not just Japanese.
Only to get views. Tomorrow they’ll be bending a knee again.
The ultimate irony would be for them to start buying up EV. Now if there’s any way to get them to think they’re pissing off the libs by enacting reasonable environmental, gun, and LGBTQ/women’s rights we’d be on a roll.
Tech support over the phone is torture.
Heck yes, both giving and receiving.
Christ, why did we have to get the Shitty Dystopia versions from Snow Crash, Jennifer Government, and every Gibson novel, but none of the cool and fun shit like flying cars, off-planet living, and advanced medical/cybernetic tech.
Gonna have the corpo company town again. Instead of an online walled garden it’ll be a walled city with it’s own currency that gets traded at a steep loss if you try to go anyplace nicer. Keep you in your place.
A fresh bowlful of faces for the leopards to snack on.
Ridiculous how some people pander, especially the press, to the billionaire set.
When they have a downturn in net worth people say they “lost” money, or are “poorer” even though they’re still worth billions.
But when they’re making money hand over fist, millions of dollars daily, people act like that money doesn’t exist. “Oh, it’s tied up in investments, you can’t tax it…It’s not income! It’s not in their bank account.”
Always the poor billionaires; perpetually simultaneously unable to touch their money, complaining when they lose money they ”don’t have,” and living like billionaires with all the conspicuous consumption that goes with it.
Some kind of internet last stand.