Yeah but those statistics are before we discovered horse paste
Yeah but those statistics are before we discovered horse paste
Lead by example, asshole
They’ll make something up. If they actually care about corruption, and I don’t believe they do, that shit takes a lot of time to uncover. You need subject matter experts, forensic accountants and a bunch of lawyers, not a handful of 20 year old tech bros
War Through the Ages by Lynn Montross
It basically tells you about every war ever, at least every one worth talking about. It was written in 1944 and revised in 1960 so I’m sure some of the information might be outdated but it’s still great.
12 Byzantine Rulers by Lars Brownworth
This is actually a series of audios that you can download for free. This is almost a history of the Byzantine Empire from beginning to end, but summarizes what was happening during the reign of less influential rulers and focuses on the reign of the 12 most influential. He’s also written books about the Byzantine Empire and other subjects that I’ve somehow never read.
“While Trump isn’t responsible for creating the pandemic that created the egg shortage, and that’s really the elephant in the room here, I can’t really imagine a worse possible way that he could be responding to it.”
We’re not even to horse paste solutions yet
If he thinks moral clarity is important he wouldn’t be a Republican
Has he tried firing half the SpaceX employees, slicing half the budget and making everyone still there send an email detailing what they did this week?
I was going by memory. The Wikipedia page on him gives a rundown but doesn’t mention much about affiliations with neo-nazis.
The last part of this article does. I guess it would be safer to call them unconfirmed allegations but fuck him
The backstory is that it was a rich guy whose house was a Hitler shrine and was in bed with neo nazis
He’s gonna need a new child sex crimes advisor