There are numerous ideological and philosophical frameworks that attempt to explain how fascism takes rise, so why do you just blame it on laziness?
Did Hitler come to power because of German industrialization, German embarrassment from WWI, the great depression, and other global economic hardships, or did Hitler come to power simply because Germans were lazy and didn’t vote?
Our turn towards fascism was inevitable, and it can be explained better than with some nebulous concept of “laziness”.
At the very minimum, start asking yourself why Americans are not enthusiastic about voting.
What point? That in order for any country to form, it must carry out a genocide so effective that it inspires Hitler? And I am the apologist?
Your comment is honestly psychopathic in the way you use “blood” as a euphemism for a genocide that killed some 10 million Native Americans.
“The wholesale American genocide of Native Americans is Ruzzian propaganda!”
It’s America’s fault that America is turning fascist. You don’t just get to run a 200 year political experiment built on genocide under the guidance of white landowners, and then start scapegoating Russians once that project inevitably and predictably goes fascists. This is American exceptionalism.
The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies). MAGA members think that this fall from grace can be reversed through “America first” policies that would provide a greater degree of economic protectionism, greatly reduce immigration, particularly from developing countries, and encourage or enforce what MAGA members consider to be traditional American values.
Why are you whitewashing this?
This is what Biden solidified by refusing to prosecute Trump, refusing to stack courts, and refusing to espouse policy that would’ve won the election. Biden had a choice between beating Trump and continuing genocide, and he chose to genocide.
The leftists’ claim through this whole debacle has been that the democrats are controlled opposition, and the complete lack of resistance from democrats after Trump’s victory should make it abundantly clear to you that they were correct.
Where my Canadian Club enthusiasts?