Not even close
Not even close
I don’t think it’s just the pain to get there. It’s also painful just being there for the lower class.
God creates a lot of things. God created ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and Eric raider. His argument almost could be taken that none of them deserve punishment. After all, what they did was “God’s will”.
5:00 time for mandatory doom scrolling on Twitter. Keep your camera on. Groot is trained to check eyes for engagement.
I think it’s the “than that” is a little more complex of a construction that can be read over, and possibly missed. The sentence can be read with either of those missing, but if the “than” is missed it completely changes the meaning.
Take me back …to the island.
I remember 15 years ago having it pointed out that with everything cut but the DOD and Medicare, we still wouldn’t break even without revenue increases. Now that could be fixed by, let’s say negotiating lower prices with medical companies, but come on, we need to funnel money into their pockets. The point is, they will never make the cuts that need to be made, but they will nickle and dime pain points they mischaractertize as “wasteful”.
Now you may wonder why the president owns a golf course in another nation that would give them leverage over him…
In addition, I believe some if not all of the contacts in question were completed on the vendors side. This is an attempt at the biggest dine and dash in history.
Edit: sometimes my spelling is wrong when I swipe type
“He’s a guy you can have drinks with”… Uh no? He’s 18. You cannot have drinks with him unless your a piece of tra… Well that guy can, but that’s more like peer pressuring someone you really out age
Hiring business men to run the government is like hiring a fancy mouse breeder to do surgery on your seeing eye dog.