I got an Orwellian warning from those motherfuckers at Reddit that said I upvote too many posts that “glorify violence”(!?!?). I guess because I believe all Nazis can die?
I’m finally out for good. If they want a safe space for the loser racists at /r/conservative they can have it!
Violent content is when conservative’s feeling are hurt. You can hate on minorities has much as you want, just don’t call that nazi bitch Elon a nazi bitch.
or my current favorite" you shouldnt call everyone a nazi, if you dont agree with them" thats exactly what you should be doing if your spouting pro-nazi statements. i had to block someone on lemmy for saying that, had enough of that on reddit already
X became a nazi safe-space ever since musk bought it. He never even tried to hide it. And now that he’s doing literal salut and openly supporting far-right nazi german party, lots of people are still like “mmm let’s not overreact, he’s just socially akward”. Anyone who’s still on X or didn’t sell their tesla is a nazi-enabler, period.
thats why reddit has been pushing r/conservative to the front page every day. additionally there were clickbait to make it seem likes its a both sides, but its just another conservative sub ranting.
Yeah, big time fuck reddit vibes over here. Had been a member for… um… like 18 years? Posting for 15 (I only know that for sure because I lost my original acct because Google are shitheads, but I can search the old username and see all of my 20 something (age) comments if I so desire. 😅). When fElon Must started talking about redditors being terrorists was the final straw, and I meticulously deleted every comment (thousands and thousands) I ever made, had like 100,000 comment karma 😔 and then deleted my acct. There is no publicly visible record my newer acct ever existed now. I miss how it used to be back in the aughts, was a seriously special place back then. The bots, and morons just got to be too much tho. I was dealing, but the last thing I’m willing to go down for is a shit load of benign but honest anti trump and must comments, freedom of speech my ass. It’s uterly insane what’s gone down in the last couple months in America. Just fucking bizarro world shit, tbs.
i had one for 11-12 years for sole purpose for a nintendo game, then i forgot i made various throwaways and sub specific accts, to avoid invasive bans, personally thier bans are way to harsh for the slightest mishapp, it all started with trump the first time around, he just made every site too overly sensitive on what they can ban. not only were they targeting “conservative trolls” but now you cant even imply “something should happen” to said gop, conservative. my funniest response i got was, your not allowed to use “black, or demographic, because that sounds racist” also if you accidentally use the wrong word like “her or him on a transgendered person”. while when trolls imply violence on "left leaning " people they almost never get removed or dont eradicate that behaviour.
I got an Orwellian warning from those motherfuckers at Reddit that said I upvote too many posts that “glorify violence”(!?!?). I guess because I believe all Nazis can die?
I’m finally out for good. If they want a safe space for the loser racists at /r/conservative they can have it!
Violent content is when conservative’s feeling are hurt. You can hate on minorities has much as you want, just don’t call that nazi bitch Elon a nazi bitch.
or my current favorite" you shouldnt call everyone a nazi, if you dont agree with them" thats exactly what you should be doing if your spouting pro-nazi statements. i had to block someone on lemmy for saying that, had enough of that on reddit already
X became a nazi safe-space ever since musk bought it. He never even tried to hide it. And now that he’s doing literal salut and openly supporting far-right nazi german party, lots of people are still like “mmm let’s not overreact, he’s just socially akward”. Anyone who’s still on X or didn’t sell their tesla is a nazi-enabler, period.
People are still fucking saying that? I thought after literal Nazi salutes they’d finally realize we were right all along
I’m just being politically neutral when I say the trans are making eggs unaffordable.
Is that what the whole “egg” thing was about!? Raising egg prices!?
thats why reddit has been pushing r/conservative to the front page every day. additionally there were clickbait to make it seem likes its a both sides, but its just another conservative sub ranting.
Could you post a screenshot? I’m very curious about how they’re wording it.
One of us. One of us.
Lol I’ve been here awhile, but, yes.
Yeah, big time fuck reddit vibes over here. Had been a member for… um… like 18 years? Posting for 15 (I only know that for sure because I lost my original acct because Google are shitheads, but I can search the old username and see all of my 20 something (age) comments if I so desire. 😅). When fElon Must started talking about redditors being terrorists was the final straw, and I meticulously deleted every comment (thousands and thousands) I ever made, had like 100,000 comment karma 😔 and then deleted my acct. There is no publicly visible record my newer acct ever existed now. I miss how it used to be back in the aughts, was a seriously special place back then. The bots, and morons just got to be too much tho. I was dealing, but the last thing I’m willing to go down for is a shit load of benign but honest anti trump and must comments, freedom of speech my ass. It’s uterly insane what’s gone down in the last couple months in America. Just fucking bizarro world shit, tbs.
You might want to check to make sure they didnt undelete it. They did that to me
i had one for 11-12 years for sole purpose for a nintendo game, then i forgot i made various throwaways and sub specific accts, to avoid invasive bans, personally thier bans are way to harsh for the slightest mishapp, it all started with trump the first time around, he just made every site too overly sensitive on what they can ban. not only were they targeting “conservative trolls” but now you cant even imply “something should happen” to said gop, conservative. my funniest response i got was, your not allowed to use “black, or demographic, because that sounds racist” also if you accidentally use the wrong word like “her or him on a transgendered person”. while when trolls imply violence on "left leaning " people they almost never get removed or dont eradicate that behaviour.
Leftists tend to receive the much harsher punishments for the same crime conservatives commit in all facets
Yeah I’m fucking done with that cesspool of a site