A local library of things is moaning about the crap back end of their systems and I wondered whether anybody could recommend something more user friendly.
They currently use https://www.lend-engine.com/ . I would love it if something like https://evershop.io/ could be used with it’s sweet UX… Any other ideas? 🙏
In the link that @naught101 shared, Koha is the first suggestion. I configured and deployed Koha to a group of early adopter libraries in Vermont. It’s super powerful and probably has all the features a Stuff Library could ever need. Unfortunately, as you commented, it’s bringing a lot of features unnecessary to a Stuff Library. The built-in OPAC is my favorite part, but the deep customization is a close second.
As an aside New Zealand just dominates the library FOSS space. It amazes me how any of the big corporate players can even compete. For anyone who wants to put together an online digital library, check out Greenstone.
Thankyou, that’s really helpful 🙏
Why not use regular library software? Surely there’s a FOSS solution there.
Thanks, I saw this and discounted because of the books focus but perhaps it’s easy enough to add different categories. I’ll take another look 👍👍
Have also had this suggested https://www.odoo.com/app/rental
I guess you only really need to be able to add pictures, maybe a barcode, and time tracking, right? None of that’s book specific.