I feel like Disney is somehow involved. The whole time I was watching it I felt like it was a Descendents-style take on the Smile movies. More gore, yes, and jumpscares. But none of the creeping suspense in the first movie. None of the “race against the clock.”
It was just “Hey, this girl got stuck with the Smile thing. She’s gonna die.” And then you watched the whole movie and
Tap for spoiler
then she died
I liked it a lot.
Felt very Lovecraft in that the idea of winning against it should never have been considered.
The horror feels visceral and the uncomfortable nature of the moment by moment is awful if you empathize with the protagonist.
I like the Fall of the House of Usher and there is no happy ending for any of those characters. They have things happen and then they die.
This was more about spectacle, no grand story just a visceral and loud one of watching a poor person be fucked by trauma.
I think it is weird that you are upset that other people like this movie and are blaming studio meddling.
People could like peanut butter sandwiches I won’t make a post saying I’m weirded out that people are eating them and that George Washington Carver must be behind it somehow.
I was/am genuinely shocked. I realize my bile is a form of gatekeeping, but I can’t help myself. I watched it, having no prior knowledge of it, formed an opinion, went to IMDb and was in disbelief.
I have three kids, one teen and two pre-teens and I’m REALLY familiar with Disney-style acting. There was a LOT of it in Smile 2.
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted
Because they are upset that people like a movie and are blaming Disney for it.
It’s silly and ignores others feelings for personal held beliefs.
You know who would have been great in Smile 2? This guy.
You are weirdly petty about this and came back 15 hours later to try and get a response.