My buddies actually know this guy. Permanent resident, currently detained, has an 8 month pregnant wife. Fun times /s
A power move to tell the world US Green card worth nothing now.
It not only pleased zionists, but also sends the very message MAGA wanted to drive away foreign white collar workers.
But not white white-collar workers.
Those are still welcome.
Unless they’re gay. Or leftist commies. Or poor.
Vast majority of Green card holders are from Asia and South America.
Yep. This is color-based. And I don’t mean the green card.
It’s essential to protect the rights of all individuals, including activists. I read another related news in vox: game-arrest-trump-columbia-palestine
Fucking issue with this ruling is its Fucking useless. We don’t even know where the guy is at this time, and most likely never will. There will be no consequences if Trump administration ignore this ruling. Hell guy most likely already in Gitmo and Trump not going give him back.
What Judge going do if they ignore his ruling?
Enforce it using the Unitrd States Marshals Service which is…
ah shit… (under the executive branch)
Good move from the judge.