This is completely unacceptable. These Jets were given by European NATO countries to defend Europe.
This is a decidedly hostile act by USA against Europe!And it shows that European countries need to stop buying American weapons.
The French learned their lesson here and its paying off!
I hope everybody comes to their senses and stop buying US military equipment. We have good stuff and people smart enough to fill the gaps with self developed products
Russia will need to rearm after the war. I bet the US sells them arms.
Is it just me or does europe really need to partner on building defensive tech. Why are we all buying american jets when their capabilities are quickly weakened when the wrong president is elected and cuts support.
They absolutely do. Imagine if the US invaded Greenland. The Danish (and European partners) F35s would be switched off for sure.
They can’t switch off the F-35’s. Countries can absolutely load their own mission program. They just aren’t allowed to by agreement. If that agreement becomes useless for whatever reason then the country can just load it themselves.
If there does not exist a kill-switch there are still so many things they can do. Here is an interesting read on the subject
Yeah but there’s a Gulf of difference between Afghanistan and Ukraine. There’s other countries that manufacture spare parts and have maintenance experience willing to help. Ukraine also has a technological sector of it’s own. Afghanistan was completely dependent on the US.
Don’t get me wrong, we shouldn’t be here. Trump is a fucking idiot asshole. But Ukraine shouldn’t be panicking yet.