Well I’ll say two things, first the old /r/conservative would never have allowed this open of a discussion. I don’t know if these stayed up long but I remember people even going very slightly against the Fox narrative being banned.
Also this guy, completely and utterly misguided though I believe he is, at least has the courage of his convictions. He’s willing to make a sacrifice for what he thinks is good for the country. I very much doubt he’s right but still, that’s more than most people can say.
Yeah. The dude that came up with the term cognitive dissonance described this process in his book When Prophesy Fails. Basically when you are in a cult and your doomsday ends up being a normal day you have a freak out of cognitive dissonance. This isn’t great because people don’t like having their strongly held beliefs shown to be invalid. So they must come up with a post hoc rationalization as to why their doomsday didn’t come true and why they are still right.
Yep, and the more they do it, the easier it becomes until it’s second nature.
Republicans understood this, which is why they tapped into the Christian demographic. People who have already been primed to ignore constant cognitive dissonance.
Well I’ll say two things, first the old /r/conservative would never have allowed this open of a discussion. I don’t know if these stayed up long but I remember people even going very slightly against the Fox narrative being banned.
Also this guy, completely and utterly misguided though I believe he is, at least has the courage of his convictions. He’s willing to make a sacrifice for what he thinks is good for the country. I very much doubt he’s right but still, that’s more than most people can say.
Smells strongly of retrofitted justification BS to me.
Yeah. The dude that came up with the term cognitive dissonance described this process in his book When Prophesy Fails. Basically when you are in a cult and your doomsday ends up being a normal day you have a freak out of cognitive dissonance. This isn’t great because people don’t like having their strongly held beliefs shown to be invalid. So they must come up with a post hoc rationalization as to why their doomsday didn’t come true and why they are still right.
Yep, and the more they do it, the easier it becomes until it’s second nature.
Republicans understood this, which is why they tapped into the Christian demographic. People who have already been primed to ignore constant cognitive dissonance.
May also just be a troll tactic. Sowing retrofitted justification with ai. The first comment is bait.
I honestly cant tell anymore. Dead internet theory moving fast on that site.