It’s a valid question if you live in a state that will only accept forms of ID which cost money to vote. I don’t know if that’s really the case anywhere, but if it were it could presumably be the subject of a lawsuit.
With the current SC, I expect that they’d find some bogus rationale why it didn’t count, but under a law respecting court, it’d be reasonable to require such states to provide suitable IDs at no cost.
What state are you in? Some states have a free ID for voting purposes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still shitty that you have to go through that but see if yours is one of them
It’s called a poll tax, and yes it’s supposed to be illegal. What godforsaken state (they all are in their own special way.) is pulling that?
Any state that requires ID to vote + any state that charges a fee for said ID. Granted, ID’s are used for more than that, it’s still ultimately a poll tax.
It should be illegal but Roberts doesn’t give a shit.
It’s not a regular ID to vote. It’s a regular ID.
You need an ID to vote, but you can use it for many other things too.
If getting an ID is a barrier for you to vote, then talk to your representatives and they might be able to help you out.
$50!? Was $10 last time I checked my state.
If you are unable to afford the fee for a state id then you would be considered indigent and would be able to get some kind of waver for the fee.
So something is only a fee if you can’t afford it?
Reverse. It’s only a fee if you can afford it. If you can’t afford it, it’s free.
Loopholes baby!
This government has shown already they don’t care what the constitution says