• Dagwood222@lemm.ee
      21 hours ago

      Quick guide to Heinlein.


      the name of the movie is “Predestination” It’s based on a story called “…All You Zombies.” Great time travel story.

      “Tunnel In The Sky” In the future, interstellar teleportation allows mankind to colonize distant planets. A group of high school/college age students are sent to one undeveloped world for a three day survival test. When you read it you’ll see that it’s been ripped off a dozen times or more.

      “The Man Who Sold The Moon” Written before Sputnik, thsi novel gets all the history and science wrong but it’s still a great read. A businessman decides to colonize the Moon, and uses bribery, ballyhoo, and bullshit to make it happen.

      The man wrote both the ultimate hippie novel [Stanger In A Strange Land] and the ultimate Libertarian novel [The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress]