Because there are multiple criteria that people look for in a car? Or because fuck you.
In whose court?
fire tablet, fire phone, fire sale!
Oh, so we’re definitely already sending weapons to Russia.
Great, now unfuck the car I already have
Nani ain’t even thicc
This could have been prevented if there were a good dog with a gun in the room.
“I warmed it up for ya!”
Hell say whatever he thinks he needs to to scam you out of a dollar.
That’s why hotel carpets have similar godawful patterns. You can’t spot the stains.
Is this before or after the latest suspension? Or was there another one?
Maybe I should just turn off the damn news for the next … two months? How long until we’re into full masks-off dictatorship?
Y’all think they documented it?
We sure it wasn’t just incompetence?
No, I am not an elemental noodle.
I’m imagining they don’t do a full audit too often
Try reading the article next time.
OP is claiming that buyers remorse is a taboo meaning that people aren’t admitting it. It’s a more accurate description than the sunk cost fallacy, which can allow regret.
Only when it’s necessary for the plot
I don’t like ruining my 100% lesbian runs