for that we need a lot of people and free markets for trading
Yes, if everyone you know who is open to future technology has a Monero in their own wallet on their own device and uses it to pay for goods and services that accept Monero.
Monero is the only one working independent to the financial system, the real battle vs CBDC has not started yet.
Monero should circulate freely. Now I should use services like trocador or exolix to swap Monero, but it would be cool to use CEXs as well. And sure, there must be free circulation of Monero in the real world, as a payment method, etc
For real, I don’t get why so many people were happy about the delistings of XMR from CEXs
many suspect that CEXs do price fixing
“Suspect,” Hah! Duh…LMFAO…kind of like suspecting Wall Street does Price Fixing.