• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • The number of enotes that exist and are used as decoy is likely to be greater if the entire network always relies on anonymous TXOs instead of using them only when they are needed for anonymous transactions. Monero uses anonymity by default for all transactions, not only when anonymity is explicitly requested by the user. This means that transactions that require privacy merge with transactions that would also work without privacy. Users of the network are therefore probably many more people who would not actually need anonymization, but are treated equally and are indistinguishable. A comparison: anyone who uses cash in the form of bills and coins is probably not a criminal, but a certain number of cash users are also people who break the law. Now only Monero XMR, the digital cash, has been added.

  • Yes, it is better not to touch BTC at all. Even experts will leave traces when using it. For example, when they switch on their computer or interact with software. You really have to be highly concentrated and totally knowledgeable and even then you can miss a detail. And then you can be identified as a Bitcoin user. Better use UunstoppableSwap, HavenoReto and BasicSwapDex right away to get XMR!