Complimenting people is gross, you’re supposed to just quietly shit on them while praising their accomplishments as long as they themselves are flaw free humans.
Complimenting people is gross, you’re supposed to just quietly shit on them while praising their accomplishments as long as they themselves are flaw free humans.
Just a reminder since people apparently still have this confusion; ghost in the shell wasn’t white washed. The character from book one is described as western looking specifically to be able to infiltrate any country without suspicion falling on Japan.
We can discuss why they didn’t white face a Japanese person if thats somehow less offensive than hiring for the look of the android body instead of the original body that died of cancer as a little girl, but that seems even more silly than people that had no interest in the series (or anime/manga in general) getting upset about accurate casting.
Have you ever read comic books?
Most sane kbin/mbin user.
Minors are going to access the internet no matter what you do, it’s on them an their underdeveloped brains on whether or not they can handle it.
If their parents don’t care enough, then let them be raised here, amongst the stable minds that think anything to the left of burning kids alive for warmth is tankieism (.world) or anything to the right of luxury gay space communism is fascism (all the sane instances).
That wasn’t the comment I responded to, this comment thread is about Harris. I responded about Harris.
And yes, this one has a green card, so instead of being disappeared into jail for an indeterminate amount of time later to be released on court order, he’s disappeared into jail with his green card suspended later to be released on court order.
Fish sadist, 47°9′S 126°43′W
That humans are human?
Yeah, I’m willing to draw the line in the sand there. Equality in the face of nobility (i.e. class vs race based discrimination) is more fair and equal than the view espoused by our founding fathers. But all caste systems have always been bad. Universally. And no matter the culture or time period with this idea, you’ll find a loud minority or a large majority of people that disagree with the caste system in place.
Because that’s how they work, a minority can only benefit, and are the only ones that need it to work, so the less stratified they are the more people are against it but are rendered powerless by the system in place.
Every human that didn’t believe in equality, and by that I just mean that all humans are human, is a bad person.
For fucks sake orangutans got their name because we as a species treated them as human at one point. If we can do that to a fucking monkey there’s no epiphany needed to do it to actual humans.
Because encryption is a weapon of war (according to the US government, seriously look up why encryption tech cannot be exported even as open source to us enemies), breaking their encryption and trying to install your own software would be an act of war.
If that was the version of Buddhism he’s advocating for Tibet would still be an autonomous region instead of under direct control.
They had child sex slaves and a caste system that would make some parts of India blush.
No,but the dalai lama who is tibetan and is a believer in tibetan Buddhism which has child sex slaves for most of its existence is in fact a pedophile.
This is from someone with an East Asian mindset.
Sucking children’s tongues or vice versa is weird here in China too.
The Muslim community as a whole doesn’t agree on anything except the existence of Allah. There’s a billion Muslims, most aren’t extremist bigots, and even in areas with extremists, they can to tolerate trans people (again see Pakistan).
The religion isn’t the problem, neither is the culture necessarily given homosexuality is common to this day.
It’s like saying all Buddhists are pedophiles because tibetan Buddhists had child sex slaves.
That’s not whataboubtism is. Deporting people regardless of circumstance and shutting down free speech are the same as shutting down free speech and deporting someone regardless of circumstance.
Also, to those randomly up voting this “as a black man” level post, use Google for the first time in your life. Don’t take random bigots at their word. Use additional sources instead of an out of context Hadith that practically no scholar in the last 200 years pays attention to.
Those aren’t trans people, however.
Being trans isn’t against any rules of Islam, hell Pakistan has more out trans women than the UK does, and stricter laws protecting them. Indonesia isn’t much different given the preexisting (relative to Islam) culture that supports the existence of trans people.
You accidentally a racism here.
Indonesia however does have stupidly strict blasphemy laws in relation to preventing religious discrimination in any direction.
Biden won in a primary where the dnc refused to fund any other candidates and was only participated in by people that admitted they didn’t want the position.
There was no second primary.
But it inevitably will become that cheap, as your steak and pork become infinitely, exponentially more expensive over time.
We’re already massively subsidizing meat production and we’re entirely ignoring the majority of meats costs in calculating prices.
Those costs are going to keep getting higher, however, and those subsidies won’t be able to last even in a wealthy monetary issues country like the US. Unless you completely abandon capitalism, real beef isnt going to be a thing for middle class or poor people within 20 years, and it won’t be a thing period within a hundred.
However the tech to print meat will get smaller and cheaper over time and the seed ingredients are already cheaper than the land maintenance and feed for real livestock. Hell it’s cheaper than most inputs for anything except corn and wheat. There will be a time in the next few decades where middle class people in smart countries will have a meat printer at home to make whatever they want for dinner and shopping for meat will be too prohibitively expensive for anyone but the rich.
Climate change is already causing crop failures and water distribution fights, and quite frankly the meat industry doesn’t have enough money to fight the climate on this issue.
Cheap guilt free meat built to whatever fat percentage you want will fail to sell?
Well you enjoy your $50/lbs wagu, and I’ll enjoy exactly the same quality at $3/lbs.
…if people based their image of the character on either the manga or anime, they’d have an image of a white European woman.
That is what both the manga and anime describe the major’s main body as, and depicts it the same.