A great visual illustration of the fact that police primarily exists to protect capital.
a good write up on the subject https://redsails.org/china-has-billionaires/
It’s worth noting that Lemmy has plenty of different instances where opinion varies widely, including heavily liberal ones. I also don’t believe in free speech absolutism because some views, like fascism, are objectively harmful. The way I look at it is the real issue with echo chambers comes from people becoming divorced from reality because they only interact with people who hold identical views. I don’t see this being a major problem on Lemmy instances I frequent.
And by that you mean that the views here diverge from the echo chamber you’re comfortable living in.
The big difference is that commercial platforms are opaquely curated by corporate interests who decide what people see, what content is allowed, and so on.
Today I learned that the EU is older than the US actually!
Chuds living under capitalism, blaming communism for their underdevelopment will never stop being hilarious.
Do tell how Chinese system doesn’t look like a dictatorship of the proletariat even a little bit this ought to be good.
The fact that rich people are routinely executed in China is one of the clearest indications that dictatorship of the proletariat has been achieved. And this is precisely why China terrifies the west so much.
when you definitely understand what imperialism is 🤡
captain false equivalence has logged on
That’s right, Americans should only use US government approved domestic spyware/propaganda platforms. Get rekt lmao. 🤡
This is a silly argument because actual real world communism has to be compared to other real world alternative we have available which is capitalism. By every measure capitalism has created far more horrors than communism has.
What people who lived in the Soviet union and other socialist states have to say:
Adult mortality increased enormously in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union when the Soviet system collapsed 30 years ago. https://archive.ph/9Z12u
Former Soviet Countries See More Harm From Breakup https://news.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx
This study shows that unprecedented mortality crisis struck Eastern Europe during the 1990s, causing around 7 million excess deaths. The first quantitative analysis of the association between deindustrialization and mortality in Eastern Europe.
counterpoint and some reading material for capitalism stans on here https://ia800309.us.archive.org/26/items/fp_Killing_Hope-US_Military_and_CIA_Interventions_Since_WWII-William_Blum/Killing_Hope-US_Military_and_CIA_Interventions_Since_WWII-William_Blum.pdf
Confederate racists who pine for the days of slavery certainly are dumb and funny.