I had my taxes done by someone this year and the IRS sent me a notice that I owed $1600 for not paying my taxes on time because they didn’t receive the extension.
I had my taxes done by someone this year and the IRS sent me a notice that I owed $1600 for not paying my taxes on time because they didn’t receive the extension.
G.O.P. Spending Bill Would Force $1 Billion Cut to D.C. Budget https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/10/world/europe/spending-bill-government-shutdown-dc-budget-cuts.html?unlocked_article_code=1.3U4.8pFw.TIGVj5LxeB0M
It doesn’t explicitly cut DC Police but the cut has to come from somewhere and it will be the police, city workers, and teachers:
"Given that the budget freeze would come six months into the city’s fiscal year, the District would need to scramble within a matter of days to find a billion dollars in savings between now and the end of September.
Since much of that money was tied up in contracts, leases and Medicaid, all of which take time to be accessible, local officials warned that the most immediate target for the cuts would be the salaries of city workers, including police officers and teachers.
“There’s no way to cut that kind of money in the time that we would have in this fiscal year not to affect police or not to affect teachers and not to affect some of the basic government services that allow us to keep our city clean, safe and beautiful,” said Ms. Bowser"