If you’re interested I wrote a quick HOWTO to migrate TT-RSS data from Mysql to Postgres a while ago. Ctrl+F search for Migrating tt-rss data to Postgresql from a MySQL-based installation
I still use that same migrated database 4 years later
If you’re interested I wrote a quick HOWTO to migrate TT-RSS data from Mysql to Postgres a while ago. Ctrl+F search for Migrating tt-rss data to Postgresql from a MySQL-based installation
I still use that same migrated database 4 years later
Data loss is not a problem specific to self-hosting.
Whenever you administrate a system that contains valuable data (a self-hosted network service/application, you personal computer, phone…), think about a backup and recovery strategy for common (and less common) data loss cases:
For these different scenarios try to find a working backup/restore strategy. For me they go like
directory usingrsnapshot
). Note that file sync like nextcloud won’t protect you against this risk, if you delete a file on the nextcloud client it’s also gone on the Nextcloud server (though there is a recycle bin). Local backups are quick and easy to restore after a simple mistake like this. They wont protect you against 2 and 3.rsync/rsnapshot
. Then I unplug the USB drive, store it somewhere safe outside my home, and plug in a second USB drive. I rotate the drives every week (or every 2 weeks when I’m lazy - I have set up a notification to nag me to rotate the drive every saturday, but I sometimes ignore it)There are other strategies, tools, etc, this one works for me. It’s cheap (the USB drives are a one-time investment), the only manual step is to rotate the drives every week or so.