Musks head already looks like an archaic human fucked the cadaver of King Charles of Spain he doesn’t need to be exaggerated like this.
Musks head already looks like an archaic human fucked the cadaver of King Charles of Spain he doesn’t need to be exaggerated like this.
Trump could just have the ICE deport Musk. As much as Musk has influence if he doesn’t exactly have the same protections as the average American on that front, especially if he really did lie on his paperwork.
Pretty sure that is the literal definition of a government entitlement, I know the profligates have smeared the term for the last 40 years and all but this is one of their stupider ones.
It’s in an acceptable state, but the issues of CK3 are still very notable. The only mods I know of that are actively worth playing CK3 for are Godherja, the World of Darkness one, and Elder Kings 2.
Really CK3 just needs an overhaul to conquest and it’s laws/inheritance systems IMO also nerf troop numbers they’re absurd.
Fun fact in the CK3 after the end mod it’s the name for a specific kingdom level title.
Holy fucking shit that Corvette is beautiful.
Yep, one of the funnier end results seems to be the gradual recreation of the Progressive Republicans at least in my area. Though it should be noted they are still small and being actively ignored but the rest of the Republicans.
Faulty wiring, shit waterproofing, just kinda exploding for no particular reason. Frankly speaking all of these are entirely possible with Teslas in general let alone the cybercunk.
You are correct violence is never the answer, it’s a question and the answer is yes. Unless you want something from someone long term then it’s more profitable overall to make a long term trade agreement backed up by ultra violence, like degloving them and then rolling them around in salt like a meat stick… Mmm meat stick.
So there are multiple factors with his rise, which I’ll try to list as coherently as possible but my autistic logic doesn’t want to accept the irrationallity of a lot of it so if it seems scattered that’s why.
So an easy point to start is that I think he was way more functional in the late 90s and early 2000s, looking at what little there is of him he seems a bit more rounded with less random incoherentcy. He seems less impulsive and generally more deliberate, not to say he was great since he still has rich dipshits failson energy but he wasn’t the mess he is today.
Secondly I think he has a specific nact for getting money from rich folks, I suspect he learned what made rich folks interested in investing in things growing up. This social intelligence made him great at getting his foot in combine that with him being a decent hype man and ya have an easy way to get money. Theres a story of him shoving a standard computer into a big fancy box then showing it to investors which is rather clever and a good bit of showmanship.
Then theres some incredible luck first PayPal buys his company and he gets a shit tonne of share, then he gets paid to fuck off because he was a liability to PayPal. Then he invests into Tesla really fucking early on and gets a controlling share, then electric cars pop off and oh look Tesla is right fucking there. He got really lucky with the previous points only amplifying his luck.
To summarize musk had the perfect mix of luck, charisma, and just enough intelligence to capitalize on it. But here’s the thing the Elon Musk of today ain’t the one of 2001 hell it ain’t even the one of 2012, he has fried his brain on his own ego and ketamine. Also the very traits that made him successful are the very traits now making folks wish for his death or have outright disappeared.
His showmanship lead him to outright lying to the public which folks remembered. His charisma failed because he forgot how to read a room. His luck may have given him power but now folks may actually kill him. His worst traits like his thrill seeking have taken him from ripping a super car in half to ripping a government in half.
Musk of 2001 was lucky and vaguely intelligent, Musk of 2025 is just lucky and who knows how long that’ll last
Lead them to the PA system, it has the most buttons so clearly it’s the most important.
That’s fucking stupid.
A bullet through the brain is pretty fucken quick. It may not be peaceful but it was probably relatively painless.
The Sheriff has had to issue a memo in my county because the deputies are openly fantasizing about murdering Musk and his fuck boys. So yeah… Something to look forward to.
If it’s the type of thing I think it is then it’s a blatant propaganda book aimed at children but ends up being consumed almost exclusively by adults, because the kids want nothing to do with it and would rather just play Fortnight.
Is Blòt acceptable?
We have a lot of land in the US that is a pain in the ass to get to, would be harder to set up but I could see some spiteful folks setting up something in the remote asshole of the mountain ranges. Would also be a lot harder to follow them if they pissed off as well.
Seriously the only way I can invision him doing that without illegal activities is that he pissed off all the proper contractors in the support industries and had to special order everything.