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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023

  • Seriously. As an American, it’s infuriating hearing about the constant complaining about our state (completely justified worry and complaint, mind you), with absolutely ZERO action being taken. Even the most minor inconveniences people won’t bother putting up with.

    “Well I’ve got a family to take care of and my mortgage is too high and rent is too much and I don’t have enough time off and “ well yeah so do I- and everyone fucking else. People have thrown fists in MUCH more difficult circumstances. I understand it’s hard. I really fucking do. But if no one’s willing to even get off of Facebook or boycott Amazon, OR FUCKING VOTE, then nothing will happen. And it will get even worse. And more people will suffer and die.

    We need mutual solidarity pacts to help support each other. No one wants to do the “helping” though and only wants the support. Its just so god damn infuriating.

  • I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you here, but thought I’d provide a counter argument.

    A group of children are dying of a horrible, deadly disease that can only be cured with the bark from a specific tree. So we go into the forest and chop this tree down to save the children from an excruciating disease.

    A squirrel had built its entire home in that tree. That tree was everything to the squirrel. Now the squirrel has nothing and will suffer because we chopped down its home.

    How do we explain this to the squirrel? Well, we can’t. No matter how hard we try, we can’t explain why we needed to destroy its home. The squirrel is physically incapable of understanding.

    Playing devils advocate here, perhaps the reason for the need for human suffering is so beyond our understanding and comprehension that we are just physically incapable of understanding. Maybe we’re just squirrels, and human suffering needs to happen for some greater purpose unbeknownst to us.