Your name here isn’t auto-generated? :P
Your name here isn’t auto-generated? :P
Well, we can be rather certain it’s not going up over the next month, wouldn’t you agree? Not unless somehow we can re-wind international politics.
There is no utility really, for ponzicoins. You can’t make anything from it. You can use it to make anything. You can’t eat it. You can’t hydrate with it. And you can’t use the notes to summon military aid.
I suppose you can buy drugs with it. Maybe.
So yes, it’s a Greatest Fool game.
It just would be difficult to find one outside of a hospital or care home.
Hey now! Elon and Rubio are right there
You’re just as likely to wait JUST a little too long and then end up buying when it’s higher than it is now.
I think you’re overestimating the performance of the stock market for the next 1-4 years.
A country, itself, cannot go “bankrupt”.
You wanna know how we can settle debts, for pennies on the dollar, today, right now?
Mint a 10 gajillion USD coin. Now, pay all debts. Now, destroy 10 gajillion USD coin.
See? Impossible to go bankrupt, if you’re the buyer, generator, and seller of something, and there’s always a willing buyer.
They’re valuable as long as someone is willing to purchase it.
Government based fiats always has the guarantee that the government will accept them to settle your taxes.
So, as long as the government exists, there’s a buyer for the currency.
Not the case with made up ponzicoins.
Basically all modern money is based on faith,
Fiat currencies are based on military might, not hopes and dreams.
Now’s a time to buy.
Never is it a good time to invest in a ponzi scheme. It’s just a matter of playing “Greatest Fool”.
The only way to make Nazis afraid again is to warn them, in their own language: violence.
Initially makes me wonder how the employer could be so dumb as to give one employee so much access.
Right now, just based purely on the access I need to do my day-to-day job involves me having access where I can pretty much nuke everything from orbit, with an ssh loop.
At some point, you need to trust your employees, in order to get work done. Sure, you can lock it all down tightly, but then you just made work take longer. It’s a trade off.
so opaque and impenetrable that the employer can’t replace or fire you without their shit catching fire soon after.
Somehow, that’s the kinda roles I always land in lol
And every mobile carrier I’ve seen in the US in my region (the Midwest) has ridiculously low data caps on 4G/5G internet service.
Sounds like a problem the free and open market will solve via the invisible hand, or some other bullshit those farmers keep crowing on about, while collecting their government welfare checks, and covered by that free government crop insurance…
That doesn’t change the fact that virtually every facet of our lives requires internet connectivity.
It also doesn’t change the fact that every cancer patient deserves the best possible care, but we’re not building mega cancer treatment centers, to service 2 people.
But satellites offer another option for Internet access and acting like it’s completely irrational for these folks to have it is ridiculous.
Cool. Then let the individuals there pay the full cost of the entire service, minus the subsidies. Why do we give a flying fuck about what kind of service the free and open market is providing to them?
And yes, it’s completely irrational to expect all the benefits of living in civilization, while choosing to live the farthest away from civilization as possible.
If they want connectivity, let them pay for it. Full cost. They don’t want to pay for liburual indoctrinations skewlz in cities that are forcing kids to become trans, well I don’t want to pay for their internet access, period. Which includes all of the pollution each satellite causes.
And most rural areas are covered just fine with 5G and 4G service. The only areas completely out of range of that tech would be like, middle of BLM land.
But on that note, yes, as you move farther from civilization, you get less civilization. That’s just a fact of the economic system those farmers just LOVE.
4g and 5g at home installs are pretty viable for most of the US.
If you choose to live that far outside of civilization, frankly, that’s a you problem. Not something worth littering space and pur atmosphere when they burn up on re-entry.
Capitalism is not a political system,
Capitalism is an economic system, political system, and social system, all at once.
You cannot have capitalism, without the force of the state to back it. If the state doesn’t exist, then people would be free to associate in other ways that they are forbidden from doing. Capitalism starts breaking people in school, when we start indoctrinating them with the religion of capitalist thinking.
Time will tell if the guardrails have completely fallen off.
They’ve already fallen off. In fact, they fell off right about 2008 or so.
I partially agree, but there is no real alternative to capitalism, and definitely not anything proven, the problem is not capitalism but how it is managed. In a social democracy it can work pretty well.
Chiapas is doing just fine, without capitalism. For 35+ years now. Even in the face of Mexican and US opposition to them.
What do these “smart contracts” make? And why do we need to burn up tons of fossil fuels, just to have contracts like we had before?
And how is this better than a typical contract?
Both are simple ponzi schemes.
And all that time, they are still ponzi schemes that do none of the above very well. We’ve had all of that in the merchant payment systems for decades now, all without the need to consume more electricity than many small nations, just to approve a transaction.