Bring back ethernet jacks on phones!
Bring back ethernet jacks on phones!
I dont know how you can stand using iOS. Its just so unintuitive, theres no back button and I can’t even figure out copy/paste.
Highly processed food is bad for you I’ve heard. Some people even want to ban most breakfast cereal.
Well they’re keeping all their confiscated shitcoins, and they’re finding a budget neutral way to buy additional Bitcoin, according to the white house website.
As far as pilfering, the money supply grows at nearly 10% a year, gold prices rise 10% a year, housing a bit less; but its still a great store of value. If you believe in housing bubbles that gatekeep necessary goods behind 30 year loans, and you believe in misallocated capital that requires progressively larger bailouts, then the existing system works great.
We will see the next recession. I’ll bet you that the bailout is bigger than the last, and I’d bet gold continues to rise as QE is unloaded into the market. Its done 10% a year since the Fed started QE every bailout.
The Bitcoin reserve might be the closest thing to property rights the US has achieved in a century. Its been 10 years of stealing peoples gold and purchasing power, in order to deliver stellar bailouts to risky bankers and hedge funds.
If Project 2025 is to be believed then the goal is to remove tariffs on the US, including things like dairy, telcos, and banking. Which it will be interesting what that looks like if it does happen, I do wonder if things like cheese and cellular would be made more affordable via economies of scale.
As long as they only allow left leaning propaganda then its okay.
The whole monetary system is smoke and mirrors. If people don’t consume more than last year the entire system can collapse and central banks buy up all the debt that is suddenly considered bad.
Then we wonder how stores of value like housing, gold, and bitcoin can rise so astronomically in nominal terms.
Okay I mean they are simply citing what someone else openly said in the video they linked. You can come to some opinion yourself I assume; as to whether we want foreigners to rent our own housing stock back to us, due to a mass immigration scheme that pushed prices out of reach?
The energy of “no business case” for alternatives export markets like Germany or Japan? Given he worked in the ESG department of Brookfield I’d garner that he will continue that legacy.
Who needs a funded social safety net, we can simply borrow billions more, and further fuel home prices to artificially grow GDP by eating the poor.
ETH is a massive premine, making you exit liquidity.
Its basically buying silver instead of gold (bitcoin) because its “cheap”.
Firefox of course.
I’d also suggest their VPN, as its a cheaper mullvad.
Who will develop the underlying browser then?
- The state of the housing market has nothing to do with immigration and those who want you to believe it has wants you to be mad at a scapegoat so that you won’t look at the real issues.
Alright well, that’s just silly. Even the Bank of Canada admits its inflated housing.
Carney never said a single thing against mass immigration until Trudeau did, and it was only after the polls turned deeply negative for the Liberals. The Liberals didn’t care at all until their polls suffered, even though they ran on fixing housing every single election.
It was done to invert the Phillips curve and prevent a wage price spiral, at the expense of the poor and renters, so I actually assume Carney told him to do it.
I dont support bad central planning. Look at most countries entitlement systems, which is supposed to be a simple savings plan administered by the government, its as basic as it gets. They are now massive anchor that can capsize a country because of how poorly done they were.
Except this anti-development stance made us fully reliant on the US, and it funds our social safety net.
But the Liberals don’t give a shit about the poor, if housing is any indication.
Around Covid, after which we did mass immigration to prop up falling GDP :
Around the same time, in August 2020, Trudeau tapped Carney to serve as an “informal adviser” on the government’s pandemic recovery plan.
Profits are why developers build housing, for consumers its an inelastic good obviously.
We have simply made land costs too valuable via regressive zoning and greenbelt, alongside the slow bureaucracy, poor mass transit. Then you have high developer taxes as I mentioned, which directly erode profit.
When supply is diminished and debt is cheap it becomes a liquidity sponge where supply doesnt increase to match capital, and people speculate on rising values like they do Bitcoin or gold, except with cheaply borrowed money that is insured and a liability to our own government as they buy half of all mortgage bonds.
Haha my feelings exactly, I can work in Linux cli and program rust with ease, but I can’t copy and paste on an iPhone.