Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. So, kind of like: the chiX have come home to twit
Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. So, kind of like: the chiX have come home to twit
I never thought I’d miss Dick this much 🥹
Well, to be fair, it is still a conspiracy. It becomes a known criminal conspiracy. Criminal Conspiracy is still a crime. :)
but you’re right, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
(Unfortunately for all Americans, social murder by policy isn’t usually a crimey crime. They might be more careful about killing us if they paid the cost personally)
Shit — This week — I have a relative that had to wait 3 days in the ER to be transferred to a bigger hospital. The big hospital didn’t have a bed.
The hospital system in America has been overwhelmed for over a month and a half straight now.
Anymore stress beyond the current quademic (and whatever the unknown illness is — have we figured that out yet?) and we will have to bring back keeping people outside and firing up the refrigerator trucks again.
these damn jackals
where can I learn more about .world lore
I’m a huge fan of embrace the suck and cut slingload