It’s starting at a reasonable point for the data shown, I’m not sure what your point is. Do you think this graph would be more readable if you had 80% of the vertical axis as wasted space so the graph could show nothing from 0 to 95?
It’s starting at a reasonable point for the data shown, I’m not sure what your point is. Do you think this graph would be more readable if you had 80% of the vertical axis as wasted space so the graph could show nothing from 0 to 95?
Nah, some of us know he’s going to beat his score from last time…
Yeah, they’ve been “unable to explain” why they murder unarmed Palestinian children for as long as I can remember.
From another user’s CDC link:
U.S. Cases in 2024
Total cases.
Under 5 years: 120 (42%).
5-19 years: 88 (31%).
20+ years: 77 (27%).
Vaccination Status.
Unvaccinated or Unknown: 89%.
One MMR dose: 7%.
Two MMR doses: 4%.
So there were 285 TOTAL cases last year, so we’re currently at about 77% of the cases last year. Now, given that we’re only about 18% of the way through the year, and assuming an even spread of cases through the year, they would have only had about 51 cases, so something like 435% as many cases.
It’s not like the Java server is slow tho, it only becomes a problem when mods are added
Lol, the java server is dogshit slow, it just doesn’t show until you have a big enough map if you’re not running mods. I played on a semi-public server and was a mod back in the day, and wed regularly have to do world resets because it started slowing down when people got far enough away from the spawn. Hell, even with mods it doesn’t start to slow down immediately, it waits until you’ve done a lot in your world before it starts chugging like dad after work.
This guy is insane.
Pretty sure he’s got “a” personality disorder that makes him crave being in the spotlight, and the dude isn’t smart or socially aware enough to understand just how little the dude knows. Leading him to doing more and more stupid shit to stay in the spotlight and scrambling to unfuck himself after the fact. On some level, it would be funny how he’s been tripping over his dick and failing upward his whole life. Ya know, if he weren’t currently destroying the country and all that.
Unless you’re over 45-50 years old, it always been collapsing for as long as you’ve been alive - I’d pin Reagan as the beginning of the collapse, with citizens united accelerating it to the point that we’ve now got Der Furher leading the country.
He’s going to beat his score, ie he’ll be worse than he was last time.