Probably didn’t personally thank Trum and Musk today or something.
Also known as snooggums on midwest.social and kbin.social.
Probably didn’t personally thank Trum and Musk today or something.
Are the people saying it is dangerous saying why it is dangerous or being vague about it? Are they honest and trustworthy about the things inside the city or are they unreliable liars?
If it is a vague, unspecified threat from unreliable people then I’m certainly going out. If there are details and the people are otherwise trustworthy I’m staying in.
If they are untrustworthy or trustworthy but vague, it would come down to whether there is a reason to go outside other than finding out if they are lying.
Ewww, no.
The dwarves look awful, the dialog is clunky and cliched, and I would rather just watch the original.
We need to talk about Kevin.
Let’s elect him president so they can’t hold him accountable and he can pardon himself!
They are grat for things that benwfit from havibg flexible touch anywhere interaction like maps.
They suck for anything you want to touch without looking away from the road, like temp controls.
Honda still including buttons and knobs for climate controls was a huge factor for my last purchase. A few brands were instantly rejected because they had climate controls in the touch screen and I had already hated that experience from rentals and my in law’s cars.
“Stop trying to make fetch AI happen. It’s not going to happen.”
AI is worse that adding no value, it is an actual detriment.
School of fish is common enough to say that is what the group is called, just like many groups of mammals are herds or packs depending on whether they are predators or prey. A murder of crows is common enough in memes to say the term is currently used although a flock of crows is probably even more commonly used in the real world because flocks is used a lot for birds.
If it isn’t commonly used then that isn’t what they are called in the modern day or is only used in specific contexts.
Most of the things you will see online are either something that was used for a period of time in the past, used in a very limited context, or someone being creative on the internet and it getting repeated in those lists that are as reliable as the ones that attribute quotes to the wrong people. If you watch very many nature shows and haven’t heard the term, then it probably isn’t a common use and could be the latter.
Neither are a requirement for life, although you generally need at least one of the two.
Relationships are work, although the good ones only feel like work when there are conflicts and challenges. Even then, a good partner is a net benefit as two can accomplish more things than one.
Careers are kind of a nebulous series of jobs, which may or may not be a linear progression. They do generally reault in increasing income faste than inflation over time, but not always. Someone can switch caeers at any time, or just have a series of jobs, or even find a way to make money in a way that may or may not be considered a career.
Being in a relationship can also result in not needing to work at all if the single income of the other person is high enough.
So you should set your priorities based on your goals and what you want to put effort into. If that is a career now, you will have that established when looking for a relationship. If you chose a relationship, it may or may not help with a career or you may not need to pursue one. Whichever one you choose may end up getting switched at any point during your life because of accidents or incompatability so the most important thing is to focus on whichever you choose and if an opportunity for the other happens to pop up don’t ignore it if you want both eventually.
I can’t believe a businessman who ran a casino into bankruptcy isn’t good at business!
While I like the movie overall, I don’t get the hype about the diner scene with the jump scare. Even watched a couple video essays explaining it and don’t understand how it does what people say it does.
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do and the obvious outcome happens, but they still don’t see through his bullshit not matter how many times it bites them in the ass.
I gave them an updoot for answering the question even though my personal opinion is that the two new Dune movies are top 10 movies of all time.
Nothing appeals to everyone, and I dislike a lot of critically acclaimed movies and other media because while they just don’t resonate with me. Top Gun Maverick was a mediocre retread of so many movies that came before it that while it was well executed from a technical perspective, I found it forgettable and don’t understand the hype.
The moment they had the power to cut funding so they could give more tax breaks go the rich.
Which only works out for those born into wealth.
Yes, chrome is doing something different. It is even worse!
Do they matter? They could if a few Repiblicans broke rank and they should oppse this spending billl becsuse it is trash. Plus if the Dems in both houses are united against the bill it shows their supporters that they aren’t caving in like they frequently do.
Fuck Jared, he had no reason to vote for the bill.
That would be a cause for celebration!
Most of us are concerned.
The minority are concerned because the US government has done unethical and malicious medical stuff to minorities, which makes some level of hesitancy for those groups understandable. Not the cod oil instead of vaccines bullshit white middle class and up promote, that is pure snake oil propaganda.