They were voted in by Americans, and nobody has made any significant moves to impede them. It is not a small group, it is the USA in any sense we normally mean the term when referring to the actions of its government.
After a year of absence, I’ll give this instance another shot, things have gone better than I expected.
They were voted in by Americans, and nobody has made any significant moves to impede them. It is not a small group, it is the USA in any sense we normally mean the term when referring to the actions of its government.
You got nothing but down votes cause you know I’m right. Denial is a hell of a drug.
I down voted and didn’t bother replying because your comment was too plainly stupid to merit followup, you absolute tool. Not only are there plenty of great songs from the 80s that aren’t about sex and drugs, but you also just proved my point by picking a specific sub genre and acting like it represents all of music.
I hadn’t read it as “theirs”, I assume they heard it somewhere and are repeating it just as I plan to do.
I don’t think they’re panicking, this is how they always behave. Trump is saying a moronic thing again to draw attention from the actual important authoritarian shift onto “what stupid meaningless shit did he say”. It’s the same fucking playbook every time.
Best analogy I’ve seen so far, thanks so much.
Very little
I think that depends quite a bit on what you listen to.
This raises kids with cool music tastes. My 14yo might be a bigger fan of 2000s indie rock than I am, and I was, y’know, both a fan of and the target demographic of that music when it was being made.
All kinds of ways, but I think a good few recipes to check out are:
I can find a recipe similar to mine for any of these if you like
These days, we tend to sit down on Sunday evening and plan out our meals for the week, then go shopping on Monday. We go to the farmer’s market Saturday and plan our meals around what vegetables we could buy locally.
I don’t consider very many things essential. Maybe dry beans, rice (sub millet, quinoa, or other cookable grain as needed), lentils, flour, and salt? Without those I’d have troubles surviving, with an adequate supply of those I could live for months, it’d take a while to even get sick of all the things you can make with it. I’m willing to cut pretty much anything I need to out of my diet if it’s not available and honestly I think the obsession with having all foods available at all seasons is weird.
Welcome aboard, the place is comfy and only really needs user numbers at this point.
I came back just a few days before this rush began and boy does it feel prescient
We’re on a lemmy.world community right now and people seem to be talking about it just fine…?
It sounds like you already know the answer to your question :)
Being in poor mental health isn’t an excuse for ghosting. Ghosting suggests he doesn’t value your wellbeing over his own: it’s a pretty cruel thing to do to someone, and deeply selfish. You’re still young. In your shoes, I think I’d explore other relationships before diving back into one with several red flags.
One of several reasons it did nothing is that most Americans aren’t interested in action. Luigi is. I don’t think his is the only action or even the best, but if other people were taking action it would be a lot more effective.
I’ve actually been interested in shorthand for years. If you want to migrate over some of the better old content from reddit, I’ll sub and see what happens
Welcome aboard, I joined in the last big exodus. It’s not the same here but it’s good and getting better.
yup. it’s successfully costing america its allies.
It’s not inappropriate though. I’ve been saying for years Canada should not be so closely allied with such a fickle country.
A lemmy post from their account asking would be a clue