While the young people of this generation are generally useless when it comes to something more complicated than microsoft word
Generalizations and eager bootlicking of generational propaganda isn’t helpful at all.
While the young people of this generation are generally useless when it comes to something more complicated than microsoft word
Generalizations and eager bootlicking of generational propaganda isn’t helpful at all.
Skill issue. Used cars are dangerous if maintenance is neglected.
Are everyone’s parents sundowning hard? And lol at all the elite hackerman comments too.
Getting them does not make you a dirty person.
Spreading them once you know and not communicating to people you see makes you a dirty person.
Call the police and make a noise complaint every single morning. Let the owners know you’re doing the same. Give the police the owners contact info.
I personally aerosolize psychedelic drugs over Washington D.C. This melts the rotting meat suits off the mantids and lizards.
Running in overalls is weird.
My favorite place to buy and use drugs!