Ah, I never knew what that piece was. It’s fantastic though, a perfect fit along with all of Badalamenti and Lynch’s music.
My particular favourite is the weird drone of The Pink Room, turned up loud, but it’s all good!
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Ah, I never knew what that piece was. It’s fantastic though, a perfect fit along with all of Badalamenti and Lynch’s music.
My particular favourite is the weird drone of The Pink Room, turned up loud, but it’s all good!
A few that spring to mind…
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Mulholland Drive
All 3 LOTR films
Star Wars OT
Indiana Jones (especially Raiders)
The Sweet Smell of Success
Ah ok, thank you for that. Yeah, seems like sticking an epi pen in just before boarding might not be the best plan! Cheers 👍
Re epi pens, and apologies if this is a stupid question - could people for whom they help after a reaction potentially use them as a preventative measure? ie use the pen before any reaction takes place, to try and stop one happening at all?
I’m sure the answer is no, or else that would be what people did, but it occurred to me.
Just to add to the terror, measles can strip away previously held immunities. Had chicken pox as a child? If you get (and survive) measles you might get chicken pox again!
Source: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211112-the-people-with-immune-amnesia
Get vaccinated, folks!