The clowning will continue until morale hits rock bottom
The clowning will continue until morale hits rock bottom
Why isn’t there a single European country or even the whole EU picking up the slack on USAID?
Or even why doesn’t China do it
I don’t support what trump did but why act like if USAID doesn’t do it then no one else can either?
The laws around ownership and IP are also ridiculous.
I can lend this DVD to my aunt but if I do the same with the the movie file then I’m a criminal
I’m becoming more and more convinced that their ultimate goal is for everything to be rented, nothing owned.
They are the feudal lords and we the peasants merely get the privilege of leasing shit from them. This phone? Not mine, it can be locked remotely at the whim of my lord Google. What I see on this phone? Also determined by my lord’s mercy.
Nobody deserves anything
Wish they kept up with the operation for several days so twitter stops being used