Translated: Ukrainian president too strong, I want to win. Stop resisting!!! Also it makes красвон look weak.
Translated: Ukrainian president too strong, I want to win. Stop resisting!!! Also it makes красвон look weak.
Bleach blond bad build butch body took too much ketamine instead of creatine for her crossfit workouts.
Mommy I only want aunt Cannon to help me. Everybody else is so mean to me. I didn’t do anything wrong, it was sleepy neighbor Joe. He and his buddy Barack Hussein. 😭😭😭.
Come here Donny, time. To. Change diapers. You are talking and doing poopoo
Of course he does. Dictator bros stick with Dictator Bros.
Lets see how well these knuckleheads have been trained by Moscow. First of all, the blatantly lying yesterday is typical Moscow reaction, because they lie not to deceive you but to insult you. The insulting is already taking place. Also, let’s analyze their coming reactions and compare it with this
What is also nice is that JD is just a private on this pic. Space boy being luftwaffe. Putin algemein SS. And of course Trump being medal horny, fits the “i am the best president in president historty”. So that kind of detail and thoughtfulness gets a thumbs up.
I try not to be a kleptomaniac as the turds on the pic 🤣
I try not be liar as the turds on the pic 🤣
NGL, but this one is funny. I will borrow it.
I even go as far to say that this is all in Russia’s advantage. The Russian refineries are, military speaking, a legit target for two reasons. It cripples their war economy and of course logistically. Tanks and trucks don’t run on vodka
Russia is getting things done their way, and I am afraid this will not be the last one.
Seems netanyahu is not ready for jailtime in his fraud case. As long as there is war, there is a war cabinet and they can do the fuck they want. Plus he knows Trump will back him.
Add cachyOS too. Arch based from Germany and one of the hottest risers.
It would be poetic if the cyber attacks would be coming from Ukrainian hackers.
Yeah Krasnov. But autocorrection had its own opinion