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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2025

  • It’s funny that rolling stone has the gall to publish this

    In 2005 they published his article “deadly immunity” along with salon.com. It was filled with factual errors but it helped popularize the anti vaccine movement.

    Salon eventually listened to fact checkers who were vocal about the fact that the article was absolute nonsense and misinformation. They admitted fault and that they should have done more due diligence. Even that was a fucking joke - a year after the article they listed numerous corrections showing the article was horrendously researched by an absolute fool with no peer review whatsoever. And while salon did eventually retract the article and distance themselves from the article it took six fucking years for them to do so despite glaring errors

    Rolling stone on the other hand left the article printed for a decade and a half, at least. While the article above suggests they both retracted it that was clearly not the case:

    heres a snapshot from 2020, when it still existed on their site

    Note the byline: they moved to preserve the article, it actually had been broken in a site facelift. They made effort to ensure the article was not retracted

    Rolling stone is a key factor in the anti vaccination movement and why Kennedy has a platform

    Rfk was one of a dozen people responsible for 65% of antivax content on instagram

    Fuck rfk and fuck rolling stone. Have journalistic integrity and do the bare minimum of fact checking. Fuck this “we always have to present both sides to be fair” bullshit. You don’t have to do that when one is objectively wrong

  • Articles that you have to read? Ugh they’re the worst

    They’re moving to join a lawsuit banning telemedicine visits for mifepristone

    They’re moving to participate in arguments alongside the Supreme Court about whether states can exclude planned parenthood from Medicaid, even if it doesn’t provide abortion

    They dismissed a lawsuit that the Biden DOJ filed against Idaho because idahos anti abortion law conflicts with laws that say emergency rooms that receive federal funding (which is most of them) need to provide stabilizing care, which can include abortions for pregnant women. As a result during the time idahos law was in effect several women had to be air lifted out of state because of the possibility they would need an abortion to stabilize them/save their lives

    There is more context for the final point and important context for the first two as well. Just read articles. The country is already stupid enough because we only read biased headlines (and maybe the first paragraph that gets posted to a link aggregator like this site or reddit) and fill in the blanks

  • 2 doses spaced 28 days apart gives 97% efficacy against ever catching the measles. 1 dose gives 93%. If 95% of the population gets a vaccination the disease is functionally eradicated

    But take the words of a Kennedy who spent his youth as an elite committing petty crime, vandalism, theft, and dealing drugs despite having access to extreme wealth. His reward for continually fucking up was a Harvard education and an illustrious law career. Who then started a 15 year heroin and cocaine addiction and by his words kicked it after getting busted for possession the first time in his life (aka the first time he managed to experience a consequence, which took shockingly long). And of course we believe that like all heroin addicts he was able to just kick a decade and a half addiction after one round of rehab through straight willpower, despite have access to connections and some of the deepest pocketbooks in the country

    The man has been full of shit since his teens. It is a shame because his family appears to have given him the circumstances to utterly ruin him via consistently giving no consequence for terrible behavior. At the same time I have little sympathy for him because unlike many of us peons who struggle with families that give poor boundaries and no consequences, his artificially removed them because they had access to obscene wealth and privilege. He didn’t have to worry about doing heroin, or assaulting women, or stealing shit. Dad would take care of it. All while living in luxury. Fuck him. I will continue to post defaming his character because people posting “worm in his brain” truly don’t get the extent of how much of a monster he is or the Kennedy dynasty is (look up rosemary kennedy for more Kennedy atrocities)

  • Truthfully I think he was someone that was cutting into trumps base of conspiracy nuts. at the same time I wonder if he was someone funded or otherwise heavily encouraged by a state actor hostile to america that needed a useful idiot (or a willing accomplice, depending on his culpability) to help destabilize america further.

    Neptotism was always a factor though. His foundation only ever got off the ground because of Kennedy money and connections. He was picked in part because he was in a place to run but he was in a place to run because of a lifetime of nepotism

  • Way more than twice. Samoa is just a case study that is very publicized because the impact is easy to directly measure given it was an island

    He is prominent and visible and uses that visibility to purposely misled. He is not just “some guy”. He has chaired foundations with serious money behind them based on these beliefs. He writes pseudoscientific articles (and promotes the work of others that do the same). Articles that have a “sciencey tone” but are fairly easily discredited by anyone with a pulse and a background in biology, statistics, medicine, etc. Lazy and corrupt journalism has platformed him and his foundation for almost a decade now because they can’t be bothered to do even basic fact checking. Salon had to retract an article he wrote because it was so misleading. Rolling stone published the same article but didn’t bother to retract it.

    When called out on his paper being full of errors and bullshit he claimed government conspiracy on Joe Rogan. He exhibited similar behavior in his confirmation hearing, pulling a bullshit paper from a fake journal and when people tore it to shreds online, why couldn’t he find research in a reputable journal like nature, etc he went back to that bullshit conspiracy argument. The government wants your children to have autism you see, even though thimerosal isn’t in vaccines anymore (and never caused autism to begin with)

    He was one of the loudest voices against Covid vaccines. And his voice was one of the ugliest. He consistently stokes racial tensions with his anti vaccination arguments. He suggested it was racially motivated loudly and publicly. He was one of 12 people responsible for 65% of anti vaccination content on instagram. This isn’t directly measurable like Samoa but given the us Covid death toll he very much caused preventable death, again. And shocker, he’s also anti 5G

    On the racism bit he actively targets black americans with anti vaccination propaganda. His “foundation” specifically releases literature and media linking vaccines to the concept of medical racism and Tuskegee. He takes advantage of pain felt by marginalized communities to advance his agenda even though it puts said communities in danger

    And for some icing on the cake he denies the link between HIV and AIDS and advocates against retrovirals.

    People talk about the worm in his brain and all that nonsense but they don’t talk about the 14 years of drug addiction (and probably much longer). By all accounts Kennedy started doing drugs and acting out in his teens with basically no consequences. His reward for acting like a shithead, doing heroin and cocaine, stealing shit, vandalizing property, etc? Getting to go to harvard because of nepotism and then become a rich lawyer. He claims he got clean after he got caught for possession of heroin in the 80s. He did a single rehab program. I have worked in rehab, it is extremely uncommon that someone with a 15 year addiction quits after one go. Especially someone with a shitload of money.

    I would not be surprised if he switched to pharmaceuticals and considered that “quitting” as it “legitimized” his addiction (even though taking 20 adderall a day isn’t how it’s supposed to work) and then eventually cleaned up his act later on. It would explain why he is so vehemently opposed to stimulants for psychiatric treatment: “I couldn’t handle taking one or two a day so obviously no one can, this shit is poison!” type projection. Obviously this is conjecture though.

    I have a great deal of sympathy for people who struggle with addiction and I don’t care if you do drugs but at some point my sympathy stops. The Kennedy family created a monster by giving him unfettered access to resources and 0 consequences for shitty behavior. Now he’s still very rich (est net worth of 20-30 million) and he uses that to fuck over countless people. Fuck him

  • Missing critical features:

    Filter lists only update with the extension, you cannot update them dynamically

    No making your own filters and thus no element picker for blocking annoyances on a webpage (a feature so good apple literally baked it into safari)

    No support for external lists (which means if you back up your own filters into a list you cannot easily reimport)

    No changing behavior on a per site basis

    A number of other features as well that are more strictly power user features but still really handy like dynamic filtering and strict blocking domains.

    If you have the option stop using chrome and edge, they are some of the worst options you could choose. Even outside of adblock and manifest v3 chrome is horrendous for data harvesting bullshit and edge isn’t great. If you don’t have the option because of an overzealous it dept or whatever and are forced to use it ubo lite is your best option probably and my heart goes out to you

  • If you were a person who got vaccinated prior to 1989 before the mmr recommendation was a second dose 28 days later and you never had a life event that caused you to get your vaccines updated in the interim (eg becoming a healthcare worker, moving into a dorm, etc)

    If you live in a high risk area and only got the single dose vaccine you should get a booster. The single dose vaccine is 93% effective and the two shot is 97%. The cdc has always had this as their guidance. Typically they would update their guidance in times of an outbreak but well, the government has kind of had a whoopsie with fascism

  • This is how pasteurization works fyi. You shouldn’t do it in your home oven because air is a terrible insulator and your home oven likely sucks at maintaining temperature but if you can maintain temperature relatively precisely (not terribly, like within a swing of half a degree) and can use a medium that is not a terrible insulator (like a water bath) the problem is solved

    Thus things like pasteurized milk, eggs, and sous vide.

    Louis pasteur essentially found that you can just cook things to a super high temperature to kill bacteria but alternatively you can bring them to a much lower temperature and hold them at said temperature for a specific period of time and this will result in a reduction of bacteria to safe levels. This is highly preferable because it preserves flavor and texture. He was a super genius and you should read a book

  • To be clear I don’t think you were trying to be misleading or anything and I apologize if I came off as rude. By nature of my work I talk to anti vaccine people a lot and it can be trying

    I mean to ultimately stress the point that somehow we have lost the plot. When vaccines came out people truly understood that the vaccine was a tremendous advantage over the alternative. Primarily because at the time they had seen firsthand the chilling effects of disease ravaging their communities

    It unfortunately appears we will have a reminder of that soon because stupid selfish morons refuse to read a book and as result their “right to liberty” will result in countless deaths. Sorry to grandma, sorry to babies, maga dork doesn’t trust doctors

  • 1 in 100 is ridiculously overstating the serious risks, borderlining on misinformation. You are not doing the same thing with measles parties at all

    Here are the risks of the mmr vaccine

    Death: literally 1 in a million. These are typically due to anaphylaxis. In much rarer cases underlying immune disorders are triggered, underlying neurological conditions such as encephalitis are triggered, or very severe thrombocytopenia occurs. The majority of cases of thrombocytopenia induced by the vaccine (which is still astoundingly rare) are not nearly this severe and are correctable

    Anaphylaxis: literally 1 in a million

    Febrile seizures: between 1 in 3000 and 1 in 4000

    Thrombocytopenia, a low platelet count: 1 in 40,000. Again, most cases are not fatal

    Mild swelling of the glands similar to mumps: 1 in 1000

    Mild side effects like rash or fever though? About 5%

    Now to contrast:

    If you catch measles you have about a 1 in 1000 chance of dying. This is in America, the risk is higher in less developed countries and countries where vaccinations rates are lower (and thus pockets of America where vaccination rates are low may see higher death rates). This is because of the potential risk of developing pneumonia and encephalitis

    People who are anti vaccination do not understand medicine at all and do understand the most basic statistics. The fact of the matter is vaccines can and do cause harm. There is no getting around that fact. But the chance of you encountering the harm from vaccines is astronomically lower than the risk of of encountering harm from the diseases they are protecting you from.

    To put it quite simply: if you vaccinate your child with the mmr vaccine they have a 1 in a million chance of dying. If you do not and they catch measles they have a 1 in a thousand chance of dying. If you purposely infect them with measles you should be charged with child abuse.