Isn’t that what you’re optimising? Trying to reduce runtime by increasing CPU load
Isn’t that what you’re optimising? Trying to reduce runtime by increasing CPU load
It’s a fake teapot, you can’t brew tea in it
Some people use the RGB to indicate system loads by colour, so they can have a visual indicator for when a long process finishes
Waterfall is much more expensive than any of the agile methods, even with good requirement gathering and management
I know several who preferred waterfall, but the system I work on is a giant government one and when we were doing waterfall we were in specialist teams working on a small part of the system
At the same time we went agile management also said “everyone can do everything” so we’ve had to work across the entire system
For the rocket analogy: we started building a rocket under waterfall, but when we went agile we also decided that the rocket motor specialists could also work on fuel tanks and heat shields
We recently saw waterfall versus agile in actual rockets
Blue Origin spent years meticulously designing their rocket. They tested it on the ground. On the first flight it got to orbit, but the first stage exploded while re-entering
SpaceX started building their rocket out of carbon fibre. Changed to stainless steel. Started flying subscale demos, flew high altitude full scale examples to find if their aerodynamics was right, and haven’t actually tried for orbit yet
Blue Origin is trying for a last generation rocket (where the first stage is recovered) but bigger, SpaceX is trying to create the next generation where both stages are recovered
Also thank you for getting me to think on this, unless I’m challenged I often don’t know how I came to an idea
In my experience DoD is too pithy to be a goal. DoD is things like all code checked in, all PBIs done. Sure you’re trying to get your code finished, but your goal is more like add this functionality to the system rather than check in the code and close the PBIs
That’s just how you know when you’ve finished
It was genuine, in my workplace the only optimisation is for run time