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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024

  • Healthcare professional here - but not your HPC and you cannot confirm that I am who I am so double check what I write:

    • Get your titers checked and get revaccinationes asap. If you are not vaccinated or are a non-responder talk to your healthcare provider. Isolate until then.

    • Mask up and keep your hands away from mouth, eyes and nose. You will need a properly fitting FFP3/NP95 mask here - measles are far meaner in terms of infectiousness than COVID. Tight fitting means: You have no leaks at the side - if your glasses fog up, if you can feel air going in or out next to your face,etc. it is not working. The usual “duckbill” masks with straps around the ears very very rarely fit properly.

    • Wash your hands and desinfect them properly.

    • Stay the fuck away from babies. Really. Please.

  • Yes and no. Old job was more IT and process related, nowadays I work more in disaster planning , public health policy and process planning in healthcare, spiced up with a bit of medical intelligence.

    Basically hospitals, large companies and government bodies are legally required to have plans for major incidents (from “hey,there has been a train collision, you get 30 severely injured in 20min” to “shit,we lost all power” or “IT outtake”) - we do the planning and training, including life exercises for you. You want to update your healthcare system/the placement of your prehospital resources(ambulances, etc.) as a state or government body? We do that that for you.

    You need to know which hospital in a random African country is the right one for a tourist with a sudden rare disease or your insurance wants to know how safe it is to send on of your staff members someone right into the current emerging disease hotspot? We do that for you.

  • You can easily kill yourself with a water overdose (and it’s actually fairly common),so yes.

    Nutmeg was already mentioned - high doses can easily kill someone, sadly even without hallucinations simply by killing off ones liver and dying an agonizing death a few days later. The same goes for cinnamon, but with a much lower dose.

    There are a few more, but I don’t want to give people too many ideas.

    To make it short: Yes, possible,but it’s mostly a very slow death over multiple days that fucks you up really bad and is a horrible way to go.

  • Absolutly believable. People often have a rather high resistance to engage in physical altercations even when directly targeted and a lot of people don’t know how to defend themselves, even more so if facing against a group and in darkness.

    A group that works coordinated,brings one member of their opponents to the ground and uses kicks to the head has a good chance to only face two opponents within 15 seconds,sadly.

    Besides: There is literally no mention that no weapons were used and there is literally zero mention in the article (and never has been,I checked) that the woman stayed. (Besides - have you considered that people might get injured enough after a sexual assault that they are unable to run away)?

    Wtf man, what is your point?

  • Not arguing again,but technically that’s correct. The German SS was split between the “military part” (SS Verfügungsgruppe, later Waffen-SS) that were front line/fighting formations and the “Allgemeine SS” (regular SS) that was more modelled like a “executive branch”, having absorbed the German police forces, customs and having tasks like concentration camp guarding, “behind the front line work”, etc. (On the other hand this is a matter of definition,the Carabinieri are also military but also executive branch - but the definition mentioned above is the one the SS used for itself)

    Von Braun was an (voluntary and quite keen) officer of the later, so one could indeed argue that he was not part of the military (and actually the SS almost executed him for that as he leaned towards the Wehrmacht at some part).

    So…one could indeed argue he was not a military officer. Does that make him less of an asshole? Absolutely fucking not. It makes him worse. Because he voluntarily and quite happily joined the far more evil side and had other options all along - and his fellow “Allgemeine-SS” members were actually the ones who were responsible for most of the real fucked up shit the SS did (which does not mean that the Waffen-SS guys were nice, they did almost as horrible shit…comparing evils here…). So…in the end one should probably compromise on “he was a fucking asshole with a lot of blood on his hands. No matter if he was military or not.”